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Palacios, J., Salinas, J., Suarez, R., Taype, E., Vásquez, A. (2024). Business consulting – Famesa Explosivos [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Palacios, J., Salinas, J., Suarez, R., Taype, E., Vásquez, A. Business consulting – Famesa Explosivos []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Business consulting – Famesa Explosivos",
author = "Vásquez Salirrosas, Arnold",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Business consulting – Famesa Explosivos
Authors(s): Palacios Hatchwell, Jessica Maria Guadalupe; Salinas Castro, Jesús Walter; Suarez Maita, Romel; Taype Arenas, Emanuel Dacio; Vásquez Salirrosas, Arnold
Advisor(s): Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Apr-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer soluciones viables al desafío que enfrenta la
empresa: "Baja participación de ventas en el mercado de tajo abierto". En este contexto, la
investigación emprendida se centra en proponer un plan que aborde esta problemática, con el
objetivo de aumentar la participación de ventas en el sector de la minería de tajo abierto. Para
lograrlo, se acordó colaborar con la empresa para acceder a información relevante, lo que
permitió identificar las causas subyacentes de la baja participación.
En primer lugar, se realizó un análisis exhaustivo de la gestión comercial actual en el
sector de minería de tajo abierto, seguido de una evaluación de las oportunidades de mejora.
Se prioriza estas oportunidades en función de su viabilidad y el impacto que podrían tener
una vez implementadas. Para comprender a fondo cada oportunidad prioritaria, se trabajó en
conjunto con los ejecutivos comerciales de la empresa FAMESA y se llevó a cabo una
encuesta entre los líderes de diversas minas de tajo abierto que habían participado en
licitaciones anteriores para el suministro de explosivos y sistemas de iniciación.
Se partió de un análisis detallado de las causas que estaban generando problemas, por
lo cual se basó en los resultados se obtuvieron a partir de los datos aportados por la encuesta
y los comentarios emitidos por los sujetos de la investigación, logrando una identificación
con las causas fundamentales, las cuales se capitularon mediante un análisis de causa raíz,
empleando como herramienta el diagrama de Ishikawa. Posteriormente, mediante la
participación de los encuestados, se diseñó e implementó un plan de acción donde se
asumieron compromisos puntuales. Además, se estableció un programa de seguimiento para
evaluar el impacto positivo de estas implementaciones en el futuro.
The purpose of this work is to offer viable solutions to the challenge faced by the company: "Low sales participation in open pit mining". In this context, the research undertaken is focused on proposing a plan to address this problem, with the objective of increasing sales participation in the open-pit mining sector. To achieve this, it was agreed to collaborate with the company to gain access to relevant information, which allowed us to identify the underlying causes of the low participation. First, a comprehensive analysis of current commercial management in the open-pit mining sector was conducted, followed by an assessment of opportunities for improvement. These opportunities were prioritized based on their feasibility and the impact they could have once implemented. To gain a thorough understanding of each prioritized opportunity, we worked closely with FAMESA's commercial executives and conducted a survey of the leaders of several open pit mines that had participated in previous tenders for the supply of explosives and initiation systems. A detailed analysis of the causes that were generating problems was started, based on the results obtained from the data provided by the survey and the comments made by the subjects of the investigation, achieving an identification of the fundamental causes, which were then analyzed by means of a root cause analysis, using the Ishikawa diagram as a tool. Subsequently, through the participation of the respondents, an action plan was designed and implemented where specific commitments were made. In addition, a follow-up program was established to evaluate the positive impact of these implementations in the future.
The purpose of this work is to offer viable solutions to the challenge faced by the company: "Low sales participation in open pit mining". In this context, the research undertaken is focused on proposing a plan to address this problem, with the objective of increasing sales participation in the open-pit mining sector. To achieve this, it was agreed to collaborate with the company to gain access to relevant information, which allowed us to identify the underlying causes of the low participation. First, a comprehensive analysis of current commercial management in the open-pit mining sector was conducted, followed by an assessment of opportunities for improvement. These opportunities were prioritized based on their feasibility and the impact they could have once implemented. To gain a thorough understanding of each prioritized opportunity, we worked closely with FAMESA's commercial executives and conducted a survey of the leaders of several open pit mines that had participated in previous tenders for the supply of explosives and initiation systems. A detailed analysis of the causes that were generating problems was started, based on the results obtained from the data provided by the survey and the comments made by the subjects of the investigation, achieving an identification of the fundamental causes, which were then analyzed by means of a root cause analysis, using the Ishikawa diagram as a tool. Subsequently, through the participation of the respondents, an action plan was designed and implemented where specific commitments were made. In addition, a follow-up program was established to evaluate the positive impact of these implementations in the future.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Arana Barbier, Pablo José; Alor Hurtado, Mario Miguel; Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Register date: 4-Apr-2024
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