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Hueda, A., Morales, M. (2021). Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 8 meses con retraso del lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Hueda, A., Morales, M. Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 8 meses con retraso del lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 8 meses con retraso del lenguaje",
author = "Morales Alcántara, Mayra Deianira",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 8 meses con retraso del lenguaje
Authors(s): Hueda Cuba, Akemi Zulay; Morales Alcántara, Mayra Deianira
Advisor(s): Vilca Jara, Julissa Yolanda
Keywords: Transtornos de habla en niños--Evaluación--Estudio de casos; Niños--Lenguaje; Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación)
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El lenguaje es una conducta socio comunicativa que permite al individuo hacer explícitas las intenciones,
estabilizarlas y transformarlas en regulaciones muy complejas de acción humana y convenir a un plano positivo
de autorregulación comportamental y cognitiva, al que no es posible acceder sin el lenguaje. Las dificultades
lingüísticas se reflejan de diversas formas y afectan a uno o varios de los componentes del lenguaje, por ende,
una alteración en esta área implica limitaciones que afectan algunos aspectos de la vida del niño. El objetivo
de este estudio es elaborar un plan de evaluación e intervención que se ajuste a las necesidades de un niño
de 3 años 8 meses que presenta un retraso en el lenguaje, el cual es considerado como un desfase en la
aparición y desarrollo del lenguaje, que afecta sobre todo a la expresión e involucra los componentes: léxico
semántico, morfosintáctico, fonético fonológico, repercutiendo en el componente pragmático. En el plan de
intervención se abordan dos componentes: el componente léxico semántico y morfosintáctico. Asimismo, se
emplean estrategias bajo el modelo de intervención híbrido, haciendo uso en un primer momento de estrategias
indirectas y paulatinamente de estrategias interactivas con el fin de favorecer el aprendizaje, potenciar la
competencia lingüística y conllevar a la generalización de los contenidos. Los resultados alcanzados permiten
concluir que el niño logró aumentar su vocabulario, incrementar la capacidad de respuesta verbal bajo
preguntas con el encabezador “dónde”, mejorar la velocidad de evocación, la organización intrasintáctica y el
uso frecuente de oraciones simples.
Language is a socio-communicative behavior that allows the individual to make intentions explicit, stabilize and transform them into very complex regulations of human action and agree to a positive plane of behavioral and cognitive self-regulation, which is not possible to access without language. Linguistic difficulties are reflected in different ways and affect one or more of the components of language, therefore, an alteration in this area implies limitations that affect some aspects of the child's life. The objective of this study is to develop an evaluation and intervention plan that meets the needs of a 3-year-8-month-old child with a language delay, which is considered a delay in the appearance and development of language. that mainly affects the expression and involves the components: semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic and phonetic components, with repercussions on the pragmatic component. Two components are addressed in the intervention plan: the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical component. Likewise, strategies are used under the hybrid intervention model, making use at first of indirect strategies and gradually of interactive strategies in order to favor learning, enhance linguistic competence and lead to the generalization of the contents. The results achieved allow us to conclude that the child managed to increase his vocabulary, increase the verbal response capacity under questions with the heading "where", improve the speed of evocation, intrasyntactic organization and the frequent use of simple sentences.
Language is a socio-communicative behavior that allows the individual to make intentions explicit, stabilize and transform them into very complex regulations of human action and agree to a positive plane of behavioral and cognitive self-regulation, which is not possible to access without language. Linguistic difficulties are reflected in different ways and affect one or more of the components of language, therefore, an alteration in this area implies limitations that affect some aspects of the child's life. The objective of this study is to develop an evaluation and intervention plan that meets the needs of a 3-year-8-month-old child with a language delay, which is considered a delay in the appearance and development of language. that mainly affects the expression and involves the components: semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic and phonetic components, with repercussions on the pragmatic component. Two components are addressed in the intervention plan: the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical component. Likewise, strategies are used under the hybrid intervention model, making use at first of indirect strategies and gradually of interactive strategies in order to favor learning, enhance linguistic competence and lead to the generalization of the contents. The results achieved allow us to conclude that the child managed to increase his vocabulary, increase the verbal response capacity under questions with the heading "where", improve the speed of evocation, intrasyntactic organization and the frequent use of simple sentences.
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Discipline: Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Juror: Chavez Galvez, Zandy; Corrales Ardiles, Norma Pamela; Sing Ore, Angelica Maria
Register date: 5-Jun-2021
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