Bibliographic citations
Acosta, E., Cano, E., Cherres, B., del, E. (2024). Business consulting para la instalación de una segunda estación de servicio de propiedad de Petroperú en la ciudad de Pucallpa [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Acosta, E., Cano, E., Cherres, B., del, E. Business consulting para la instalación de una segunda estación de servicio de propiedad de Petroperú en la ciudad de Pucallpa []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Business consulting para la instalación de una segunda estación de servicio de propiedad de Petroperú en la ciudad de Pucallpa",
author = "del Castillo Laino, Edson Alonso",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
In chapter 1, Petroperú is presented as a solid company and leader in the hydrocarbons sector at the national level and its participation in the oil industry is analyzed according to its external and internal context. In chapter 2, the unused properties of the Petroperú company in the city of Pucallpa are identified as the main problem, which will allow us to evaluate the solution alternatives that could be implemented in the development of the thesis. In chapter 3, once the main problem has been identified, a qualitative analysis is carried out describing its situation as a result of privatization, its marketing strategy and, with respect to the quantitative analysis, its participation in taps and/or retail service stations nationwide is reported. and its results. In chapter 4, the causes of the main problem are identified, Petroperú only has its own service station nationwide, located in the city of Iquitos. In chapter 5, alternative solutions to the main problem are evaluated, considering the use of a property located in the city of Pucallpa for the implementation of the second service station owned by Petroperú. In chapter 6, it describes the implementation plan of the proposed solution to solve the limited participation of Petroperú in the retail sale of fuels (tap and service stations). In chapter 7, the economic evaluation of the project is developed, through which it was possible to determine the feasibility and technical, economic and financial viability to carry out the project.
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