Bibliographic citations
Gómez, M., (2024). Acción colectiva contra el hambre: organización y prácticas de las ollas comunes para enfrentar la emergencia alimentaria [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Gómez, M., Acción colectiva contra el hambre: organización y prácticas de las ollas comunes para enfrentar la emergencia alimentaria []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Acción colectiva contra el hambre: organización y prácticas de las ollas comunes para enfrentar la emergencia alimentaria",
author = "Gómez Matos, Marjhori Xiomi",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of Peruvians living in poverty and brought a food crisis that exposed the country's fragile economic growth. In response, the Ollas comunes emerged as citizens' initiatives to address hunger. Although their participation was initially oriented towards satisfying the immediate needs of their communities, they soon transcended into the public sphere and acquired a political role that put the food emergency on the public agenda. Through a review of secondary and primary sources, qualitative research was carried out to analyze the organized response of the Red de Ollas Comunes de Lima Metropolitana to the emergency from the capability approach. The findings reveal a range of community-based strategies that have transformed network members individually and collectively. From achieving a budget for the pots to creating alliances to promote the education of their partners and their children, the network is conceived as a space that promotes individual and collective agency. In the process, it was found a series of violence to which they are exposed and which represent obstacles that can affect the collective capacities they have achieved. The results highlight the significance of the network in expanding the real freedoms of women in the common pots and the urgency of considering them as key political actors when thinking about food policies that represent the grassroots.
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