Bibliographic citations
Holguín, N., (2023). Las consecuencias negativas del no reconocimiento productivo (laboral) por el legislador en las prácticas pre profesionales como modalidad formativa laboral en el sector privado del Perú: una propuesta para reivindicar el empleo juvenil [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Holguín, N., Las consecuencias negativas del no reconocimiento productivo (laboral) por el legislador en las prácticas pre profesionales como modalidad formativa laboral en el sector privado del Perú: una propuesta para reivindicar el empleo juvenil []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Las consecuencias negativas del no reconocimiento productivo (laboral) por el legislador en las prácticas pre profesionales como modalidad formativa laboral en el sector privado del Perú: una propuesta para reivindicar el empleo juvenil",
author = "Holguín Nuñez, Ninuska Elizabeth",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
In this research, a historical reference to the Law on Labor Training Modalities is made, the types of training modalities contemplated in Law No. 28518 are described in order to carry out an analysis on pre-professional practices in the private sector. Likewise, the objectives of its regulation in our legal system are evaluated to recognize the express refusal (literal) of the productive component (labor) by the legislator as a political decision but not a legal one (primacy of reality) from the real situation of practices that is kept for more than sixteen years. Necessary reason to examine cases of denaturation, as well as the situation of pre-professional practitioners and jurisprudence. In this way, the promotion of employment is valued as a political proposal, which is why it is identified that, although the State has participated, it has not played an active role. For this reason, we carry out an approach from public policies and their monitoring and evaluation phases. Consequently, the relationship between figures of job insecurity and youth unemployment is questioned and developed to determine that the objectives of the regulation have not been achieved. In this way, a proposal for improvement and a final alternative is shared
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