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Atarama, A., (2024). Informe jurídico del Laudo N° 313 – 15 – B – CCRD – FPF – ADFP – SAFAP [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Atarama, A., Informe jurídico del Laudo N° 313 – 15 – B – CCRD – FPF – ADFP – SAFAP []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Informe jurídico del Laudo N° 313 – 15 – B – CCRD – FPF – ADFP – SAFAP",
author = "Atarama Cardama, Aldo Humberto Antonio",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Informe jurídico del Laudo N° 313 – 15 – B – CCRD – FPF – ADFP – SAFAP
Authors(s): Atarama Cardama, Aldo Humberto Antonio
Advisor(s): Meléndez Trigoso, Willman Cesar
Keywords: Arbitraje y laudo--Perú; Jugadores de fútbol--Perú; Empleados--Despido--Legislación--Perú; Contratos colectivos de trabajo--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2-Aug-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente informe tiene como objeto analizar y cuestionar lo resuelto en el
Laudo N° 313 – 15 – B – FPF en el marco de una relación laboral especial –
entre un futbolista profesional y su Club -. Para ello, examinaremos lo decidido
en el Laudo sobre las tres pretensiones del jugador: el pago de remuneraciones
pendientes, indemnización de despido arbitrario y beneficios sociales.
La controversia se origina cuando el Club Universidad San Martin decide
despedir al jugador Jesús Álvarez cuando, en el 2012, los futbolistas
profesionales del Perú decidieron no presentarse a la primera fecha del torneo
oficial de fútbol. A razón de esta, se emite el Laudo en el que declaran infundada
la principal pretensión del jugador: la indemnización de despido arbitrario.
El presente informe arriba a una solución distinta a la planteada por los árbitros.
Para ello es determinante la construcción jurídica realizada sobre la aplicación
del periodo de prueba en la relación laboral de los futbolistas profesionales.
Se utiliza lo establecido en la Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral, en
la Ley de Régimen Laboral del Futbolista Profesional, en el Convenio Colectivo:
Estatuto del Futbolista Profesional del Perú, en la jurisprudencia y en la doctrina
para proteger los derechos constitucionales del trabajo y protección frente al
despido arbitrario de los futbolistas en el Perú.
The purpose of this report is to analyze and question the decision of Award No. 313 – 15 – B – FPF in the framework of a special employment relationship – between a professional footballer and his Club -. To this end, we will examine what was decided in the Award on the three claims of the player: the payment of outstanding remuneration, compensation for arbitrary dismissal and social benefits. The controversy originated when Club Universidad San Martin decided to fire the player Jesús Álvarez when, in 2012, the professional soccer players of Peru decided not to show up for the first date of the official soccer tournament. Because of this, the Award is issued in which they declare the player's main claim unfounded: compensation for arbitrary dismissal. This report arrives at a solution different from the one proposed by the arbitrators. To this end, the legal construction carried out on the application of the probationary period in the employment relationship of professional footballers is decisive. The provisions of the Law on Labor Productivity and Competitiveness, the Law on the Labor Regime of Professional Soccer Players, the Collective Agreement: Statute of the Professional Soccer Player of Peru, and jurisprudence and doctrine are used to protect the constitutional rights of labor and protection against arbitrary dismissal of soccer players in Peru.
The purpose of this report is to analyze and question the decision of Award No. 313 – 15 – B – FPF in the framework of a special employment relationship – between a professional footballer and his Club -. To this end, we will examine what was decided in the Award on the three claims of the player: the payment of outstanding remuneration, compensation for arbitrary dismissal and social benefits. The controversy originated when Club Universidad San Martin decided to fire the player Jesús Álvarez when, in 2012, the professional soccer players of Peru decided not to show up for the first date of the official soccer tournament. Because of this, the Award is issued in which they declare the player's main claim unfounded: compensation for arbitrary dismissal. This report arrives at a solution different from the one proposed by the arbitrators. To this end, the legal construction carried out on the application of the probationary period in the employment relationship of professional footballers is decisive. The provisions of the Law on Labor Productivity and Competitiveness, the Law on the Labor Regime of Professional Soccer Players, the Collective Agreement: Statute of the Professional Soccer Player of Peru, and jurisprudence and doctrine are used to protect the constitutional rights of labor and protection against arbitrary dismissal of soccer players in Peru.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho.
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Arce Ortiz, Elmer Guillermo; Meléndez Trigoso, Willman Cesar; Mendoza Choque, Luis Enrique
Register date: 2-Aug-2024
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