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Peñaherrera, M., (2022). Estado del arte: Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y desarrollo de la autonomía en Educación Inicial [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Peñaherrera, M., Estado del arte: Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y desarrollo de la autonomía en Educación Inicial []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Estado del arte: Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y desarrollo de la autonomía en Educación Inicial",
author = "Peñaherrera Sandoval, Melanie",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Title: Estado del arte: Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y desarrollo de la autonomía en Educación Inicial
Authors(s): Peñaherrera Sandoval, Melanie
Advisor(s): Mendívil Trelles de Peña, Luzmila Gloria
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 10-Feb-2022
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Este estudio aborda el aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) como estrategia
metodológica que favorece el desarrollo autónomo de niños y niñas pertenecientes al
nivel inicial. El ABP promueve que el estudiante sea el protagonista de su proceso de
enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de experiencias auténticas emergentes de su propio
interés y entorno social; además, facilita que lo aprendido pueda aplicarlo en su vida
cotidiana. Asimismo, al lograr incorporar este tipo de metodología desde edades
tempranas al ámbito educativo, fomenta la capacidad del niño o niña para tomar
conciencia de sus propias decisiones, responsabilizarse de sus acciones y palabras,
analizar sus conductas, generar empatía, construir su autoconfianza y seguridad en
sí mismo siendo factible desarrollar su independencia y la destreza de resolver
estratégicamente diversas situaciones o problemáticas; incluso, proporciona la
posibilidad de que ellos desarrollen su autonomía de manera progresiva y respetando
su etapa de desarrollo. Frente a esta perspectiva educativa, el rol del docente se ha
reestructurado posicionándolo como el agente que guía, orienta y acompaña el
proceso de indagación de cada estudiante. El objetivo general del trabajo de
investigación es analizar de qué manera el aprendizaje basado en proyectos
promueve el desarrollo de la autonomía en educación inicial, el cual se sustenta
mediante la metodología cualitativa. Por lo tanto, este Estado del Arte ha permitido
profundizar en el desempeño autónomo de los estudiantes a través de esta nueva
mirada pedagógica que permite proporcionales responsabilidades y consignas acorde
a sus características evolutivas; inclusive, posibilita el desarrollo del pensamiento
crítico y reflexivo.
This study deals with project-based learning (PBL) as a methodological strategy that favors the autonomous development of children belonging to early childhood education. The PBL promotes student as the protagonist of their teaching-learning process through authentic experiences emerging from his own interest and social environment; it even facilitates that what is learned is applied in their daily life. Likewise, incorporate this type of methodology into the educational field from an early age, fosters the child's ability to become aware of their own decisions, take responsibility for their actions and words, analyze their behaviors, generate empathy, build their selfconfidence and self-confidence being feasible to develop their independence and the ability to strategically solve various situations or problems. It even provides the possibility for them to develop their autonomy progressively and respecting their stage of development. In the face of this educational perspective, the teacher's role has been restructured, positioning him/her as the agent who guides, orients and accompanies the inquiry process of each student. The general objective of the research work is to analyze in what way project-based learning promotes the development of autonomy in early education, which is supported by qualitative methodology. Therefore, this State of the Art has allowed to deepen in the autonomous performance of the students through this new pedagogical glance that allows proportional responsibilities and slogans according to its evolutionary characteristics; it even makes possible the development of the critical and reflective thought.
This study deals with project-based learning (PBL) as a methodological strategy that favors the autonomous development of children belonging to early childhood education. The PBL promotes student as the protagonist of their teaching-learning process through authentic experiences emerging from his own interest and social environment; it even facilitates that what is learned is applied in their daily life. Likewise, incorporate this type of methodology into the educational field from an early age, fosters the child's ability to become aware of their own decisions, take responsibility for their actions and words, analyze their behaviors, generate empathy, build their selfconfidence and self-confidence being feasible to develop their independence and the ability to strategically solve various situations or problems. It even provides the possibility for them to develop their autonomy progressively and respecting their stage of development. In the face of this educational perspective, the teacher's role has been restructured, positioning him/her as the agent who guides, orients and accompanies the inquiry process of each student. The general objective of the research work is to analyze in what way project-based learning promotes the development of autonomy in early education, which is supported by qualitative methodology. Therefore, this State of the Art has allowed to deepen in the autonomous performance of the students through this new pedagogical glance that allows proportional responsibilities and slogans according to its evolutionary characteristics; it even makes possible the development of the critical and reflective thought.
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Discipline: Educación
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Bachiller en Educación
Register date: 11-Feb-2022
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