Bibliographic citations
Salas, X., (2022). Estudio de caso de una niña de 11 años con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y proceso léxicoortográfico de la escritura [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Salas, X., Estudio de caso de una niña de 11 años con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y proceso léxicoortográfico de la escritura []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Estudio de caso de una niña de 11 años con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y proceso léxicoortográfico de la escritura",
author = "Salas Valencia, Ximena Solange",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
At the beginning of schooling, the child progressively develops basic skills that lay the foundations for the acquisition of other learning that responds to the demands of the academic degree. With careful and continuous observation, from the first stages of school life, the teacher may be able to detect some risk indicators that, if maintained and not attended to, pose difficulties for the student in reading, writing and / or mathematics, and depending on its severity could affect various areas of your life. The case in question is in the fifth grade of primary school, presents slow and imprecise reading; in addition, difficulties in written expression. The objective of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the student's difficulties. In the process of intervention in reading, the evidence shows that by working on the lexical processes, through the visual and phonological routes, the precision and speed in the reading of texts improves, and together with the syntactic processes, in the use of signs. punctuation, improves intonation when reading, allowing fluent reading. As for writing, by developing the phonetic, regulated and arbitrary spelling of the orthographic lexical processes, the quality of written language improves.
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