Bibliographic citations
Rischmoller, V., (2023). ¿Una pena compartida?: La convivencia de niños y niñas en los establecimientos penitenciarios donde sus madres se encuentran recluidas. Análisis desde el caso de hijos e hijas de mujeres internas en el E.P. Mujeres de Chorrillos y el E.P. Anexo Mujeres de Chorrillos [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Rischmoller, V., ¿Una pena compartida?: La convivencia de niños y niñas en los establecimientos penitenciarios donde sus madres se encuentran recluidas. Análisis desde el caso de hijos e hijas de mujeres internas en el E.P. Mujeres de Chorrillos y el E.P. Anexo Mujeres de Chorrillos []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "¿Una pena compartida?: La convivencia de niños y niñas en los establecimientos penitenciarios donde sus madres se encuentran recluidas. Análisis desde el caso de hijos e hijas de mujeres internas en el E.P. Mujeres de Chorrillos y el E.P. Anexo Mujeres de Chorrillos",
author = "Rischmoller Vargas, Vanessa Georgette",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The cohabitation of children in the penitentiary establishments where their mothers are confined, until they reach three years of age, is a faculty regulated by article 103 of the Penal Execution Code, which aims to preserve the mother-child in the situation of deprivation of liberty through which the women are going through. However, considering the prevalence of the best interests of the child, as well as the current state of the Peruvian prison system, it becomes relevant to question the implications that may arise in this context regarding the limitations to the integral development of children and violations of their rights. In this research work, a systematic review of international legislation, Peruvian regulations and the corresponding literature is carried out to identify the doctrinal foundations, which will later give way to the study of concrete cases that will make it possible to identify the problems and limitations regarding the application of the current regulations. Thus, a case study has been carried out on the children inmate of the E.P. Mujeres de Chorrillos and the E.P. Anexo Mujeres de Chorrillos, based on field work that included visits to these establishments and interviews with the inmates’ mothers, the results of which have made it possible to show the critical situation that children live in these prisons in terms of adequate living conditions. In this regard, a series of recommendations will be proposed to address the problem from the perspective of both the rules of execution of the sentence and the international human rights standards, constituting this work an initial contribution with the aim of showing the reality of a group of children made invisible by the Peruvian prison system
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