Bibliographic citations
Perez, K., (2012). Características sociodemográficas, obstétricas y clínicas de la mortalidad materna en el hospital regional de Loreto [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Perez, K., Características sociodemográficas, obstétricas y clínicas de la mortalidad materna en el hospital regional de Loreto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2012.
title = "Características sociodemográficas, obstétricas y clínicas de la mortalidad materna en el hospital regional de Loreto",
author = "Perez Shermuly, Karen Jannire",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2012"
Identify the socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric clinical and of maternal mortality in the Regional Hospital of Loreto fromJanuary 2006 to December 2010. Results: We evaluated 47 maternal deaths betwveen 2006 to 2010 0curtidas in the Regional Hospital of Lorcto, a downward trend in the mortality rate was observcd in the past tvo years, the trend were among the 20 to 34 years of age, from the urban area, single mothers, with a level of secondary education, multiparous and primiparacwith a gestational age of 21 to 36 weeks, with poor control pre natal rate appropriate, with a tendency of birth via caesarean section. With morbidity associatcd with HIV and anemia in frequency. The highest rate of complications occurred in the postpartum period followed during childbirth and pregnancy; during pregnancy cases HIE and RPM were the most frequent, during childbirth cases of haemorrhage, coma, respiratory insufficiency and hypotension ere cases of hacmorrhagc and arrhythmia, and in thc postpartum pcriod. Thc deaths occurred basically during thc postpartum period, and within them in the immediate term; predominated causes dircct and indirect; the most common generic causes ere bleeding, infection and hypertension; Whil within the root causes werc eclampsia, uterine atony and HIV. With a high percentage of inappropriate filling of the sequence of causes of death. Appreciated that thcre is a high pcrcentagc of non-registration in the data base of the epidemiological tab of maternal death. Conclusions: Maternal mortality in the HRL has a tendency to, and the majority of cases are even preventable.
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