Bibliographic citations
Allauca, S., (2017). Diseño e implementación de un sistema automatizado por control numérico computarizado para cortes por plasma en los procesos de manufactura de la empresa Cem Ingenieros E.I.R.L. [Tesis, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Allauca, S., Diseño e implementación de un sistema automatizado por control numérico computarizado para cortes por plasma en los procesos de manufactura de la empresa Cem Ingenieros E.I.R.L. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2017.
title = "Diseño e implementación de un sistema automatizado por control numérico computarizado para cortes por plasma en los procesos de manufactura de la empresa Cem Ingenieros E.I.R.L.",
author = "Allauca Necochea, Sergio Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2017"
Computerized numerical control machines are widely used today in almost all fields of industry, because of their many advantages when machining any material, since they provide optimization of time, space, accuracy and reduction of errors committed by a manual operation in a final job. The purpose of this thesis work was to design and construct a CNC machine for plasma cutting using the X and Y axes for 2D trajectories, a Z axis will also be added to maintain the proper distance between the torch tip and the metal, in this way a plasma arc will start, when kept at this distance during the execution of its trajectories, will achieve an optimum cutting process. The control of the CNC machine will be done through a computer with an interface for the input of parameters that will control the position of our axes and the speed of the motors step by step, which allow the movement of all the structures that make up the machine in its respective axes. The processor will have a CAD / CAM software that are responsible for the design of parts and subsequent machining through a programming language called G code. For the design of the mechanical structures, a CAD / CAE program will be used to simulate the functionality of the structures designed by static and dynamic analysis. In this way the manufacture of guide and fastening systems was achieved, which are capable of replacing the use of linear guides and other elements that are very difficult to obtain in a national market. Finally, the implementation, manufacture and functional tests of the machine, were able to fulfill all the objectives mentioned in this thesis. The manufacturing and development of this type of machinery represents a great contribution in a national market, since the costs of acquisition, importation and commissioning of a machine of these characteristics are very high for MYPES, even more if these are in different cities in the interior of the country.
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