Bibliographic citations
Sandoval, E., Fababa, R. (2021). Planificación presupuestal y cumplimiento de metas en la unidad de gestión educativa local – Requena, 2020 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Sandoval, E., Fababa, R. Planificación presupuestal y cumplimiento de metas en la unidad de gestión educativa local – Requena, 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Planificación presupuestal y cumplimiento de metas en la unidad de gestión educativa local – Requena, 2020",
author = "Fababa Pacaya, Rosita Sila",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
The present research had the general objective of determining the relationship between budget planning and meeting goals in the Local Educational Management Unit - Requena, 2020. This being an applied research, descriptive-correlational level and non-experimental design, for the which has taken a sample of 68 workers and managers who work in said institution, likewise, the survey has been used as a data collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, managed to conclude from this, that, Budget planning in It is regular, it is due to the fact that there are various difficulties in the budget diagnosis, the estimation of funds and the budget allocation, deficiencies that are related to the capacities and knowledge of the personnel to efficiently develop said process. Likewise, the fulfillment of goals is regular, since goals such as the implementation of the Register of Educational Institutions, the hiring and commissioning of teachers, the rationalization of teaching positions, support for a safe school, and the permanence of the student of the secondary level. In general, it is determined that there is a significant relationship between budget planning and meeting goals in UGEL - Requena, 2020, which is contrasted by a correlation coefficient of 0.794 and a degree of significance (bilateral) of 0.000.
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