Bibliographic citations
Meléndez, C., (2021). Análisis de la diversidad y estructura de un bosque de colina baja, quebrada Shishita, en el distrito de Pevas, Loreto – Perú, 2020” [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Meléndez, C., Análisis de la diversidad y estructura de un bosque de colina baja, quebrada Shishita, en el distrito de Pevas, Loreto – Perú, 2020” []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Análisis de la diversidad y estructura de un bosque de colina baja, quebrada Shishita, en el distrito de Pevas, Loreto – Perú, 2020”",
author = "Meléndez Rengifo, Catherine Meryl",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
The research was carried out in a low Hill forest of a forestal concesión Nº16-LOR-MAR/CON-MAD-2008-025 located in Pevas district, Loreto-Peru. 48 samplings units of 0.5 hectares distributed in 6,223 ha in the forest which is studied. A total of 2,177 trees are reported grouped in 28 forest species, 28 genres and 16 botanical families. The most representative species were Bertholletia excelsa”castaña” with 551 (25.3%), Virola albidiflora “cumala” with 345 trees (15.8%) and Osteophloeum plathyspermum “cumala llorona” with a total of 334 trees (15.3%). The Shannonindex indicates that there is a medium diversity in the area (2,476). The most important species in the low Hill forest were Bertholletia excelsa (16.7%), Virola albidiflora (13.3%), Osteophloeum plathyspermum (11.2%), Calophyllum brasiliense (6.4%) and Parkia nítida (5.8%). The diameter class of 30 to 39.9 cm presents the highest number with 28.1 trees/ha and from there the Hill forest presents a curve similar to inverted “j” that is characterized by a decreasing number of trees according to the diameters of the trees, while the class from 10 to 14.9 m tall ha the highest number of trees. It is recommended to develop proposals for species with less abundance and frequency for the development of reforestation projects in forest concessions.
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