Bibliographic citations
Campos, A., Quevedo, V. (2025). Recepción del lenguaje ofensivo en el subtitulado al inglés de la serie El Marginal en angloparlantes [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Campos, A., Quevedo, V. Recepción del lenguaje ofensivo en el subtitulado al inglés de la serie El Marginal en angloparlantes [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2025.
title = "Recepción del lenguaje ofensivo en el subtitulado al inglés de la serie El Marginal en angloparlantes",
author = "Quevedo Godoy, Valeria Allison",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2025"
The growth of audiovisual product due to the success of streaming platforms has led to many phenomena in audivisual translation to become relevant within translation studies. One of the most studied phenomenom in recent years is offensive language, as this element tends to be used in audiovisual products for the caracterization of characters or the portrayal of a specific social context. Authors such as Ávila-Cabrera (2015; 2016), Santamaría (2016) and Valdeón (2020) have studied the translation of offensive language to English and Spanish, and these previous studies allow to conclude that the presence of offensive language is greater in Spanish audiovisual products, either original or translated ones. However, there are not enough reception studies focused on the translation of offensive language. In fact, a study that compares the reception of offensive language of an audiovisual product, both in English and Spanish has not been conducted yet. For that reason, this research aims to analize the reception of offensive language in the English subtitling of the Argentinian TV series El Marginal in English speakers. It is suggested to first analize the translation strategies used in the English subtitles of the TV series El Marginal by means of a contrastive text analysis, and then, caracterize the reception of offensive language of the TV series El Marginal in both Argentinian Spanish and English speakers through surveys.
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