Bibliographic citations
Cadillo, M., (2024). Representación de las madres emprendedoras en el discurso publicitario de las entidades financieras. Caso Mibanco [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cadillo, M., Representación de las madres emprendedoras en el discurso publicitario de las entidades financieras. Caso Mibanco [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Representación de las madres emprendedoras en el discurso publicitario de las entidades financieras. Caso Mibanco",
author = "Cadillo Zavala, Mercedes Sandra",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This research analyzes how advertising, through the advertising discourse of financial entities, represents the work of women entrepreneurs and how it is perceived by them. They are a group of people who, with their hard work, are achieving more recognition and are achieving this change in how women are seen. To develop the project, the commercial “Business Moms” from the Mibanco brand from the year 2023 was chosen, in which they represent a mother achieving the balance between entrepreneurship and raising her child. This work was carried out from an interpretive paradigm, which tries to teach people's points of view by understanding and interpreting them; With a qualitative approach that explores the problem and to search for data, in-depth interviews were carried out with entrepreneurial mothers, from their experience of upbringing and businesswomen, who provided very knowledgeable answers. Mainly, they consider that they are well represented in advertising, where their stories can serve as an example for other women, this being a demonstration of struggle on their part. Additionally, they believe that motherhood becomes a responsibility, since from the moment they become mothers, they have someone else who depends on them.
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