Bibliographic citations
Romero, S., Mansilla, G. (2022). Eje cultural y paisajístico para la recuperación del caño sachachorro, en la ciudad de Iquitos, distrito de belén, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Romero, S., Mansilla, G. Eje cultural y paisajístico para la recuperación del caño sachachorro, en la ciudad de Iquitos, distrito de belén, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Eje cultural y paisajístico para la recuperación del caño sachachorro, en la ciudad de Iquitos, distrito de belén, 2022",
author = "Mansilla Diaz, Gonzalo",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The city of Iquitos in recent times has grown disorderly due to mismanagement by the competent authorities, for which the population began to occupy non-inhabitable spaces, causing the city to begin to lose important spaces in the cultural, social, landscape, among others. Due to these unauthorized positions, the city begins to generate vehicular and pedestrian chaos; visual, residual and auditory contamination in the middle of public roads, for which the need to recover spaces destined for the interaction between the person and nature is seen. For years there has been an attempt to recover some critical points within the city, so that the landscape, cultural and social aspect of the city can be changed little by little, giving itself the need to project a certain area in the center of the city. City to serve as a healthy attraction, which is lacking today; helping each other to heal, improve and create positive chain reactions for a better future as a city. Taking us to the recovery of one of the historical ravines of the city such as the Sachachorro ravine, which due to its historical value could make us create a linear axis of healthy entertainment (linear park) that is quite lacking in the center of the city, since the only existing linear axis is the Iquitos Boulevard, which is also neglected. Taking into account that the Sachachorro ravine in its beginnings was a meeting place for the population in general, which was lost due to poor growth planning, being buried by the current city and leading to the loss of a natural attraction that the city had. Therefore, the design proposal is the intervention of a landscape, cultural and social axis for the recovery of the Sachachorro ravine, thus recovering a natural and landscape space with socio-cultural and historical potential; helping us to combat the heat island phenomenon that currently occurs due to the accumulation of heat due to excess materials such as concrete, asphalt, etc; exacerbating the problem by our tropical climate.
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