Bibliographic citations
Cenepo, B., Arvelaes, J. (2022). Modelamiento hidráulico por medio del IRIC –NAY2DFLOOD para determinar el límite de amenaza por riesgo de inundación en el sector urbano de la cuenca baja del río Nanay – Loreto, 2021. [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Cenepo, B., Arvelaes, J. Modelamiento hidráulico por medio del IRIC –NAY2DFLOOD para determinar el límite de amenaza por riesgo de inundación en el sector urbano de la cuenca baja del río Nanay – Loreto, 2021. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Modelamiento hidráulico por medio del IRIC –NAY2DFLOOD para determinar el límite de amenaza por riesgo de inundación en el sector urbano de la cuenca baja del río Nanay – Loreto, 2021.",
author = "Arvelaes Cumapa, Jhonar Roldan",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The objective of the research was to carry out hydraulic modeling by means of IRIC –Nay2DFlood to determine the threat limit due to flood risk in the Bellavista urban sector, lower basin of the Nanay River. The problem was to answer: How will Hydraulic Modeling be carried out through IRIC –Nay2DFlood to determine the threat limit due to flood risk in the Bellavista urban sector, lower basin of the Nanay River? To answer the questions posed, the research methodology was experimental and the design is descriptive. In obtaining information, bibliographic reviews were carried out, supplemented with field work, processing and analysis. The average values of the level of the Nanay River vary from 117 to 118.06 meters above sea level with periods of greatest increase in March, April and May each year, considering geomorphological conditions, precipitation, Flow, Manning variable, Characteristic Values in the study area. The hydraulic modeling determined that the elevation 117 represents the flood limit in the study area, therefore in the investigation the hypothesis and the proposed objectives were specified.
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