Bibliographic citations
Ríos, A., (2022). Factores sociodemográficos y prácticas de crianzas en niños y niñas menores de 3 años de madres del asentamiento humano Micaela Bastidas - de Iquitos, 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Ríos, A., Factores sociodemográficos y prácticas de crianzas en niños y niñas menores de 3 años de madres del asentamiento humano Micaela Bastidas - de Iquitos, 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Factores sociodemográficos y prácticas de crianzas en niños y niñas menores de 3 años de madres del asentamiento humano Micaela Bastidas - de Iquitos, 2021",
author = "Ríos Vela, Ana Karín",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The dual social-emotional relationship between mother and child is established from the womb, and secondarily affectively with their primary caregivers such as fathers, mothers, grandparents; for becoming the figure that implies the protection, care and safety of the boy and the girl. In this sense, their relationship in the exploration of their environment establishes the necessary affective bond of contact, closeness, quality and interaction with their caregiver, expressing feelings of happiness, affection, trust, anxiety, sadness, or indifference. Target; To determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and parenting practices in children under 3 years of age of mothers from the human settlement Micaela Bastidas, Iquitos - 2021. Methodology; The study was quantitative, descriptive - correlational; nonexperimental, cross-sectional design, whose sample consisted of 40 mothers of children under three years of age. The data were processed through the statistical package SPSS version 22.0 for Windows and the non-parametric inferential statistical test called Chi square. Later elaborating the respective tables and graphs. Results; The most prevalent sex is female, educational level with instruction, dependent occupation, aged 18 to 39 years, with marital status without commitment. 55.0% practice adequate parenting and 45.0% inappropriate parenting. Conclusion; There is a statistically significant relationship between sociodemographic factors and parenting practices for children under three years of age, obtainining p = 0,000 (p < 0,05), what the fact that the hypothesis presented is accepted suggests us
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