Bibliographic citations
Lopez, F., Pinedo, T. (2022). Clima social familiar y la inteligencia emocional en familias afectadas por la covid 19 de un AA.HH. Distrito Belén, 2021. [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Lopez, F., Pinedo, T. Clima social familiar y la inteligencia emocional en familias afectadas por la covid 19 de un AA.HH. Distrito Belén, 2021. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Clima social familiar y la inteligencia emocional en familias afectadas por la covid 19 de un AA.HH. Distrito Belén, 2021.",
author = "Pinedo Guevara, Teresa Mishel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the Family Social Climate and Emotional Intelligence in families affected by COVID 19 of the AA HH Cabo López, District of Belén, 2021. The investigation was carried out during the months of October to December of the year 2021, a study that was of descriptive type and relational level, the survey and questionnaire were obtained as method and technique, respectively. To collect information, the following instruments were used: Data Sheet, the Family Social Climate Scale (FES) and the Bar-On ICE Emotional Intelligence Inventory. The sample consisted of 81 people aged 16 years and over, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The results were presented descriptively. Regarding the general Family Social Climate, it was observed that they were mostly found in the Mean measurement scale 77.8% (63), as well as in its Dimensions: Relationship 60.5%; Development 54.32% and Stability 71.60%. Regarding general Emotional Intelligence, 22.2% (18) were found on the measurement scale of Markedly Low, 33.3% (27), Very Low, and Low in the majority of the population studied. 39.5% (32) and 4.9% (4) at the Average Level; in its Dimensions: Intrapersonal, Adaptability and Mood, the scale is Very Low (50.6%, 38.2% and 33.3%) respectively. According to the Rho Spearman relationship test (r), if there is a statistically significant relationship between the Family Social Climate and the Intrapersonal Dimension, variable of Emotional Intelligence (rs=-0.283, P=0.0107), proving the specific Hypothesis Alternate 1. No significant relationship was found with Emotional Intelligence Components: Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress Management and Mood (P>0.05). Hypotheses are rejected. Conclusions: In the study group, a general Family Social Climate predominates on the Medium scale, in the general Low Emotional intelligence and in its dimensions of Very Low predominant.
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