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Gonzales, S., (2021). Episiotomía en primíparas atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto enero - marzo 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Gonzales, S., Episiotomía en primíparas atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto enero - marzo 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Episiotomía en primíparas atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto enero - marzo 2020",
author = "Gonzales Córdova, Sofía Loren",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Episiotomía en primíparas atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto enero - marzo 2020
Authors(s): Gonzales Córdova, Sofía Loren
Advisor(s): Cristóbal Flores, Marivel Vilma
Keywords: Episiotomía; Puerperio; Primípara; Atendida; Complicaciones; Episiotomy; Puerperium; Primiparous; Attended; Complications
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 29-Dec-2021
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: Introducción
La episiotomía se practica como un procedimiento de rutina para acelerar
el parto durante el periodo expulsivo, se considera que puede prevenir
desgarros de la vagina de la madre, en especial desgarros serios que
puedan extenderse hasta el ano. La episiotomía debe ser reparada
mediante la episiorrafia; procedimiento que no está exento de
complicaciones diversas que pueden afectar el normal desenvolvimiento de
la puérpera.
Determinar las complicaciones de la episiotomía en primíparas atendidas
en el Hospital Regional de Loreto; enero-marzo 2020.
La presente investigación fue de tipo cuantitativo, no experimental de
diseño descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo.
La población del estudio estuvo constituida por 146 primíparas, siendo la
muestra la misma población (124 primíparas)
Se utilizó una ficha de recolección de datos a través de la revisión de las
Historias clínicas, libros de registro de partos y el Sistema informático
61.0% tuvieron entre 14 a 19 años, 70.0% fueron convivientes, 70.0%
tuvieron estudios secundarios, 76.0% fueron amas de casa, y el 83.0%
provienen de zona Urbana. Entre las características obstétricas, el 78.0%
de primíparas tuvieron edad gestacional de 37 a 40 semanas, 64.0% tuvo
de 6 a más APN, El 96.0% tuvieron parto Eutócico, el 100.0% de las
primíparas predomino la episiotomía medio lateral. Se encontró que el
33.0% de las puérperas primíparas con episiotomía tuvieron
complicaciones, la complicación más frecuente fue dolor con 72.7%, entre
las características sociodemográficas y obstétricas no se encontró
asociación estadística con las complicaciones de episiotomía.
Conclusión: Se estableció que No existe relación entre las características
sociodemográficas como; edad (X2= 1.924; p= 0.588), estado civil (X2=
2.500; p= 0.286), grado de instrucción (X2= 3.879; p= 0.275), ocupación
(X2= 3.743; p= 0.291) y procedencia (X2= 4.181; p= 0.124), con las
complicaciones de episiotomía. Así mismo No se encontró relación de las
complicaciones de la episiotomía con las características obstétricas tales
como: edad gestacional (X2= 0.254; p= 0.881), atención prenatal (X2=
1.731; p= 0.421) y tipo de parto (X2= 2.052; p= 0.152.
Introduction Episiotomy is performed as a routine procedure to speed up labor during the second stage. It is believed that it can prevent tears in the mother's vagina, especially serious tears that can extend to the anus. The episiotomy must be repaired by episiorrhaphy; This procedure is not exempt from various complications that can affect the normal development of the puerperal woman. Objective To determine the complications of episiotomy in primiparous women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto; January-March 2020. Methodology The present investigación was cuantitativo, non-experimental, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design. The study population consisted of 124 primiparous women, the sample being the same population (124 primiparous women) A data collection sheet was used through the review of clinical records, birth record books and the perinatal computer system. Results. 61.0% were between 14 and 19 years old, 70.0% were cohabitants, 70.0% had secondary education, 76.0% were housewives, and 83.0% came from Urban areas. Among the obstetric characteristics, 78.0% of primiparous had gestational age of 37 to 40 weeks, 64.0% had 6 to more APN, 96.0% had Eutocic delivery, 100.0% of primiparous predomino the lateral mean episiotomy. It was found that 33.0% of primiparous postpartum women with episiotomy had complications, the most frequent complication was pain with 72.7%, among the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics no statistical association was found with episiotomy complications. Conclusion: It was established that there is no relationship between sociodemographic characteristics such as; age (X2= 1.924; p= 0.588), marital status (X2= 2.500; p= 0.286), degree of education (X2= 3.879; p= 0.275), occupation (X2= 3.743; p= 0.291) and origin (X2= 4.181; p= 0.124), with complications of episiotomy. Likewise, no relationship was found between the complications of episiotomy and obstetric characteristics such as: gestational age (X2 = 0.254; p = 0.881), prenatal care (X2 = 1.731; p = 0.421) and type of delivery (X2 = 2.052; p = 0.152.
Introduction Episiotomy is performed as a routine procedure to speed up labor during the second stage. It is believed that it can prevent tears in the mother's vagina, especially serious tears that can extend to the anus. The episiotomy must be repaired by episiorrhaphy; This procedure is not exempt from various complications that can affect the normal development of the puerperal woman. Objective To determine the complications of episiotomy in primiparous women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto; January-March 2020. Methodology The present investigación was cuantitativo, non-experimental, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design. The study population consisted of 124 primiparous women, the sample being the same population (124 primiparous women) A data collection sheet was used through the review of clinical records, birth record books and the perinatal computer system. Results. 61.0% were between 14 and 19 years old, 70.0% were cohabitants, 70.0% had secondary education, 76.0% were housewives, and 83.0% came from Urban areas. Among the obstetric characteristics, 78.0% of primiparous had gestational age of 37 to 40 weeks, 64.0% had 6 to more APN, 96.0% had Eutocic delivery, 100.0% of primiparous predomino the lateral mean episiotomy. It was found that 33.0% of primiparous postpartum women with episiotomy had complications, the most frequent complication was pain with 72.7%, among the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics no statistical association was found with episiotomy complications. Conclusion: It was established that there is no relationship between sociodemographic characteristics such as; age (X2= 1.924; p= 0.588), marital status (X2= 2.500; p= 0.286), degree of education (X2= 3.879; p= 0.275), occupation (X2= 3.743; p= 0.291) and origin (X2= 4.181; p= 0.124), with complications of episiotomy. Likewise, no relationship was found between the complications of episiotomy and obstetric characteristics such as: gestational age (X2 = 0.254; p = 0.881), prenatal care (X2 = 1.731; p = 0.421) and type of delivery (X2 = 2.052; p = 0.152.
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Discipline: Obstetricia
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Obstetra
Juror: Magallanes Castilla, Jesús Jacinto; Monzón Mariscal, Betty; Pérez Macedo, Silvia
Register date: 10-Feb-2022
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