Bibliographic citations
Vega, L., Mendieta, J. (2021). Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes del 3° grado “a” de secundaria de la institución educativa pública N° 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar – Barrio Florido 2019 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Vega, L., Mendieta, J. Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes del 3° grado “a” de secundaria de la institución educativa pública N° 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar – Barrio Florido 2019 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes del 3° grado “a” de secundaria de la institución educativa pública N° 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar – Barrio Florido 2019",
author = "Mendieta Pérez, Johnny Rommel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The objective of this research was: To determine the Study Habits in Students of 3rd Grade “A” of Secondary School of Public Educational Institution No. 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar - Barrio Florido 2019 The investigation was descriptive. The general design of the Research was the non-experimental and the specific design was the transversal descriptive. The population was made up of the students of Grade 3 “A” of the Public Educational Institution No. 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar, who make a total of 30 students. The sample was made up of 100% of the population, that is, the 30 students of 3rd Grade “A” of the Public Educational Institution No. 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar. Sample selection will be non-random intentional. The technique used in data collection was the survey and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that the Habits of Study is regular in 3rd Grade Students “A” of Secondary of the Public Educational Institution No. 60196 Amelia Sousa Freitas de Salazar - Barrio Florido 2019.
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