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Flores Salinas, Gustavo
Souza Paredes, Zico
Flores Murayari, Luis Antonio
El presente estudio estuvo orientado a resolver el siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cuál es la utilidad del antígeno prostático específico en el Cáncer de Próstata en varones que acuden al Hospital Regional de Loreto de Enero a junio del 2019? El objetivo de la Investigación fue: Determinar la relación entre el antígeno prostático específico y el cáncer de próstata en varones que acuden al Hospital Regional de Loreto de Enero a Junio del 2019. Material y métodos: La presente investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y retrospectivo, con diseño no experimental, descriptivo. Se trabajó con una muestra de 212 pacientes que acudieron al Hospital Regional de Loreto de Enero a Junio del 2019, para el análisis de la información se utilizó el paquete estadístico de SPSS V.24. Resultados: After quantifying the total PSA in relation to cancer of the 212 patients who attended the Loreto Regional Hospital, 75 (35.38%) were patients with total PSA> 4 ng / ml and 137 (64.62%) with ≤ 4 ng / ml. ml. Of which 7 (3.30%) according to the anatomopathological study had cancer, the age most frequently was from 51 to 60 years with 89 patients (41.98%); with 125 patients (58.96%) they did not present diseases and in 12 patients (5.66%) no data were obtained; It was observed more frequently with 132 patients (62.26%) from urban area and less frequently in rural area with 15 patients (11.32%) Conclusiones: La prueba de PSA es un parámetro a considerar en la valoración de problemas prostáticos, cifras elevadas están relacionadas entre otras, con hipertrofia benigna de próstata y cáncer prostático, lo que permite la detección precoz y el control de estos pacientes para un mejor tratamiento. (es_ES)
The present study was aimed at solving the following research problem: What is the usefulness of prostate specific antigen in Prostate Cancer in men who attend the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to June 2019? The objective of the Research was: To determine the relationship between prostate specific antigen and prostate cancer in men who attend the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to June 2019. Material and methods: This research is quantitative and retrospective, with a non-experimental, descriptive design. We worked with a sample of 212 patients who attended the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to June 2019, for the analysis of the information the statistical package of SPSS V.24 was used. Results: After quantifying the total PSA in relation to cancer of the 212 patients who attended the Loreto Regional Hospital, 75 (35.38%) were patients with total PSA> 4 ng / ml and 137 (64.62%) with ≤ 4 ng / ml. ml. Of which 7 (3.30%) according to the anatomopathological study had cancer, the age most frequently was 51 to 60 years with 89 (41.98%) and 125 (58.96%) did not present diseases and 12 (5.66%) no data was obtained; It was observed more frequently with 132 (62.26%) from urban area and less frequently in rural area with 15 (11.32%) Conclusions: The PSA test is a parameter to consider in the assessment of prostate problems, high figures are related, among others, to benign prostate hypertrophy and prostate cancer, which allows the early detection and control of these patients for better treatment. (En_us)
Tesis (es_ES)
application/pdf (es_ES)
spa (es_ES)
Universidad Científica del Perú (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess (es_ES)
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ (*)
Antígeno prostático específico (es_ES)
Cancer de próstata y quimioluminiscencia (es_ES)
Prostate specific antigen (En_us)
Prostate cancer and chemiluminescence (En_us)
Utilidad del antígeno prostático específico en el cáncer de próstata en varones que acuden al hospital regional de Loreto de enero a junio del 2019 (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es_ES)
Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (es_ES)
Laboratorio Clínico y Anatomía Patológica (es_ES)
Titulo Profesional (es_ES)
Licenciado en Tecnología Médica. Especialidad: Laboratorio Clínico y Anatomía Patológica (es_ES)
PE (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.06.02 (es_ES)
http://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/level#tituloProfesional (es_ES)
10026505 (es_ES)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3350-3002 (es_ES)
41907280 (es_ES)
41763685 (es_ES)
915126 (es_ES)
Heredia Quezada, Gregorio Rodolfo (es_ES)
Núñez Ato, Ronald (es_ES)
Ramos Flores, Jaime (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#tesis (es_ES)
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