Bibliographic citations
Rengifo, O., (2019). Diseño arquitectónico de Centro de Convenciones Internacionales en el Distrito de Iquitos, Provincia de Maynas, Departamento de Loreto. [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Rengifo, O., Diseño arquitectónico de Centro de Convenciones Internacionales en el Distrito de Iquitos, Provincia de Maynas, Departamento de Loreto. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2019.
title = "Diseño arquitectónico de Centro de Convenciones Internacionales en el Distrito de Iquitos, Provincia de Maynas, Departamento de Loreto.",
author = "Rengifo Vela, Oscar Armando",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2019"
The realization of events and conventions are meetings where different types of meetings are held, both academic, business, business, etc., This is how an International Convention Center in the City of Iquitos is set up, which will develop a commercial exchange, cultural and tourist, with the objective that the inhabitants do not necessarily have to emigrate to other cities to be part of a national or international event. The International Convention Center will allow you to experience large-scale events such as the mega-exodus amazonica, which will generate more turism and will be a space that, according to the Sustainable Urban Development Plan, needs the center of Iquitos. It is for this reason that the International Convention Center of Iquitos, develop activities such as corporate and business meetings, conferences, conventions, conferences, incetivo trips, fairs, workshops, business exhibitions, symposiums, seminars. The design has been based on an idea in conjunction with several blocks that dynamically and functionally integrate with each other and considering green areas around giving it a tropical and modern character, it will have first class finishes, with a modern energy system and the optimization of spaces, routes and natural environments will be allowed.
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