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Castro, L., Vargas, K. (2021). Relanzamiento de la Identidad Visual de la marca “Negrita” [Universidad de Lima].
Castro, L., Vargas, K. Relanzamiento de la Identidad Visual de la marca “Negrita” []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Relanzamiento de la Identidad Visual de la marca “Negrita”",
author = "Vargas Caballero, Karen Olga",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Relanzamiento de la Identidad Visual de la marca “Negrita”
Keywords: Branding; Corporate image; Trademarks; Desserts; Imagen corporativa; Marcas comerciales; Postres
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El siguiente trabajo profesional corresponde al relanzamiento de la identidad visual y naming de la marca peruana “Negrita” de Alicorp. Esto es en respuesta a una serie de rebrandings a partir de la última ola de protestas por parte del colectivo Black Lives
Matter poniendo en evidencia los problemas de comunicación presentes en diferentes marcas que llevaban varios años en el mercado. Es a partir de ello que Alicorp anunció la transformación de su marca. Por tal motivo buscan defender e incentivar los valores de la diversidad y la tolerancia representando las diferentes culturas y etnias dentro de nuestro país. Los materiales por entregar son la Estrategia de Comunicación y el nuevo Manual de Identidad.
The following professional work corresponds to the relaunch of the visual identity and naming of the Peruvian brand “Negrita” from Alicorp. This is in response to a wave of rebrandings from the last wave of protests by the Black Lives Matter movement, highlighting the communication problems present in different brands that have been in the market for several years. Since then Alicorp announced the changing of its brand. With this they seek to encourage and defend the values of diversity and tolerance by representing the different cultures and ethnic groups within our country. The materials to be delivered are the Communication Strategy and the new Brand Book.
The following professional work corresponds to the relaunch of the visual identity and naming of the Peruvian brand “Negrita” from Alicorp. This is in response to a wave of rebrandings from the last wave of protests by the Black Lives Matter movement, highlighting the communication problems present in different brands that have been in the market for several years. Since then Alicorp announced the changing of its brand. With this they seek to encourage and defend the values of diversity and tolerance by representing the different cultures and ethnic groups within our country. The materials to be delivered are the Communication Strategy and the new Brand Book.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Villacorta Calderon, Rocio; Guzman Martinez, José; Torres Duncker, Claudia
Register date: 9-Aug-2021
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