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Merino, Y., (2021). Campaña de comunicación integral para el lanzamiento de avena instantánea Kuychi [Universidad de Lima].
Merino, Y., Campaña de comunicación integral para el lanzamiento de avena instantánea Kuychi []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Campaña de comunicación integral para el lanzamiento de avena instantánea Kuychi",
author = "Merino Urquizo, Yanira Alejandra",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Campaña de comunicación integral para el lanzamiento de avena instantánea Kuychi
Authors(s): Merino Urquizo, Yanira Alejandra
Advisor(s): Paredes Maibach, Berta Beatriz
Keywords: Advertising campaigns; Positioning (Advertising); Trademarks; Oats; Campañas publicitarias; Posicionamiento (Publicidad); Marcas comerciales; Avena
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El presente proyecto se enfoca en la elaboración de una campaña de comunicación integral para la marca de avena instantánea Kuychi, la cual tiene como objetivo lograr conocimiento y recordación de marca; así como, ser líderes en participación del mercado en el subsegmento de avena instantánea. Tras la revisión de la información, se determinó que los nuevos cambios en los estilos de vida, sumados a la nueva normalidad, han hecho que tengamos menos tiempo para actividades esenciales del día a día como el de alimentarnos, específicamente, el de tomar desayuno. Para esto, nace Kuychi, una avena instantánea, saludable y de fácil preparación lista en menos de dos minutos, la cual evidencia que lo instantáneo no tiene por qué ser menos nutritivo.
El presente proyecto se dividirá en tres partes. En el primer acápite se hará el levantamiento de la información de los puntos relevantes acerca del sector, contexto y público objetivo para armar la estrategia a desarrollar. Para el segundo, se presenta la propuesta creativa de campaña en donde se trabajará la creación de marca y todas sus implicancias. Finalmente, en el tercer acápite, se desarrollará la estrategia de medios a través de los principales canales de comunicación acorde a nuestra audiencia y presupuesto destinado.
This project focuses on the development of a comprehensive communication campaign for the Kuychi instant oat brand, which aims to achieve brand awareness and recognition; as well as being leaders in market share in the instant oatmeal subsegment. After reviewing the information, it was determined that the new changes in lifestyles, added to the new normal, have meant that we have less time for essential day-to-day activities such as eating, specifically, eating breakfast. For this, Kuychi is born, an instant, healthy and easy-to-prepare oatmeal ready in less than two minutes, which shows that the instant does not have to be less nutritious. This project will be divided into three parts. In the first section, the information on the relevant points about the sector, context and public objective will be collected to put together the strategy to be developed. For the second, the creative campaign proposal is presented where the brand creation and all its implications will be worked on. Finally, in the third section, the media strategy will be developed through the main communication channels according to our audience and allocated budget.
This project focuses on the development of a comprehensive communication campaign for the Kuychi instant oat brand, which aims to achieve brand awareness and recognition; as well as being leaders in market share in the instant oatmeal subsegment. After reviewing the information, it was determined that the new changes in lifestyles, added to the new normal, have meant that we have less time for essential day-to-day activities such as eating, specifically, eating breakfast. For this, Kuychi is born, an instant, healthy and easy-to-prepare oatmeal ready in less than two minutes, which shows that the instant does not have to be less nutritious. This project will be divided into three parts. In the first section, the information on the relevant points about the sector, context and public objective will be collected to put together the strategy to be developed. For the second, the creative campaign proposal is presented where the brand creation and all its implications will be worked on. Finally, in the third section, the media strategy will be developed through the main communication channels according to our audience and allocated budget.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Gatjens Caceres, Christopher; Caro Vela, Laura; Vidurrizaga Costa, Rosario
Register date: 11-Aug-2021
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License