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De, A., (2024). Comunicador y educador [Universidad de Lima].
De, A., Comunicador y educador []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Comunicador y educador",
author = "De Cossio Miranda, Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
Title: Comunicador y educador
Authors(s): De Cossio Miranda, Alfredo
Advisor(s): Perales Linares, Vanessa
Keywords: Comunicadores; Educadores; Desempeño laboral; Communicators; Educators; Job performance
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: Los ámbitos laborales en el campo de las comunicaciones son amplios y las maneras de aplicar lo aprendido durante los años de estudios son variadas. En este informe cuento la
historia de cómo empecé trabajando para grandes empresas, nacionales y extranjeras,
como la Empresa Editora El Comercio y Huawei, respectivamente, en lo que fue un
campo novedoso en su momento —el marketing móvil—, para luego dar un gran giro y
acabar enseñando Comunicación en un aula escolar. El presente informe demostrará que,
si existe algo que se comparte en cada una de estas etapas, que describiré en las siguientes
páginas, si hay algo que se sitúa de manera transversal en lo contado en este informe
párrafo tras párrafo, es la aplicación de mucho de lo aprendido durante mis años de
estudiante en la Facultad de Comunicación, en particular lo que atañe a los conocimientos
de marketing y de producción audiovisual.
The work areas in the field of communications are broad and the ways to apply what has been learned during the years of study are varied. In this report I am telling the story of how I started working for large companies, national and foreign, like Empresa Editora El Comercio and Huawei, respectively, in a field that was new at the time, such as mobile marketing, and then took a big turn in my life and ended up teaching Communication within a school classroom. The text will demonstrate that, if there is something that is shared in each of these stages that I will tell in the next pages, if there is something that exists transversally in what is told paragraph after paragraph, is the application of much of what I learned during my years as a student at the Faculty of Communication, knowledge in the fields of Marketing and audiovisual production.
The work areas in the field of communications are broad and the ways to apply what has been learned during the years of study are varied. In this report I am telling the story of how I started working for large companies, national and foreign, like Empresa Editora El Comercio and Huawei, respectively, in a field that was new at the time, such as mobile marketing, and then took a big turn in my life and ended up teaching Communication within a school classroom. The text will demonstrate that, if there is something that is shared in each of these stages that I will tell in the next pages, if there is something that exists transversally in what is told paragraph after paragraph, is the application of much of what I learned during my years as a student at the Faculty of Communication, knowledge in the fields of Marketing and audiovisual production.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Perales Linares, Vanessa; Najar Ortega, Rosario; Mateus Borea, Julio César
Register date: 26-Aug-2024
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License