Bibliographic citations
Umbert, M., (2017). Estudio comparativo sobre el uso del Internet en niños entre 8 y 10 años, de la Institución Educativa No. 1263, Puruchuco - Ate, Lima, Perú, en los años 2013 y 2016 [Universidad de Lima].
Umbert, M., Estudio comparativo sobre el uso del Internet en niños entre 8 y 10 años, de la Institución Educativa No. 1263, Puruchuco - Ate, Lima, Perú, en los años 2013 y 2016 []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2017.
title = "Estudio comparativo sobre el uso del Internet en niños entre 8 y 10 años, de la Institución Educativa No. 1263, Puruchuco - Ate, Lima, Perú, en los años 2013 y 2016",
author = "Umbert Doig, Micaela",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2017"
This research focuses on how the internet is used by children between 8 and 10 years old from Puruchuco School, in the district of Ate Vitarte, Lima. This study has been made in two stages, which allowed us make a comparative analysis between the years 2013 and 2016, seeking to know how these children use the internet, the programmes they use, the frequency they use them, the time they spend on the web and the differences between boys and girls. It was important to know if they receive any kind of accompaniment or classes in using it, either at home or at school, and how they perceived this form of media communication, their opinions about it, the benefits and risks they perceive of it. This research aimed to deepen in the way the internet is used in a less privileged area of Lima, and in that way to be part of the research carried out in Metropolitan Lima on this topic, for example that done at the University of Lima by Beltroy, 2014; Martinez, 2013; Balta, 2011; and others.
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