Bibliographic citations
Santa, J., (2021). Propuesta de reducción del tiempo de atención en el proceso de desembolso de préstamos en la empresa Acceso Crediticio S.A. basado en la implementación de herramientas de ingeniería industrial [Universidad de Lima].
Santa, J., Propuesta de reducción del tiempo de atención en el proceso de desembolso de préstamos en la empresa Acceso Crediticio S.A. basado en la implementación de herramientas de ingeniería industrial []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Propuesta de reducción del tiempo de atención en el proceso de desembolso de préstamos en la empresa Acceso Crediticio S.A. basado en la implementación de herramientas de ingeniería industrial",
author = "Santa Cruz Yactayo, Jamie",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
The present research work has the principal object of making a diagnosis of the current situation of Acceso Crediticio S.A., in order to propose the implementation of resolutions for the main issues found in the organization's processes. Based on the analysis of the enviroment, competitors and an inside study, we can conclude that the oportunities of improvement should be focused on credit safe guarding processes. Therefore, in the purpose of lessing the reach of the various procceses that goes with the company's portfolio, we opted for the refinement of the disbursement process of their product called "Libre disponibilidad" (free availability) given to their clients. Furthermore, through the use of engineering tools such as Ishikawa Diagram, it's been determinated that the root causes of the identified issues as payment centralization, limited operational capacity, wrong registered data, restricted payment schedules and lack of validation of account ownership that have generated a 117% increase in the outlay time compared to the average time obtained in 2019, which went from 13 to 36 work hours. To sum up, thanks to the comprenhension of the root causes and their impact, it's been stablished 03 resolution options. (i) Redesign and improvement of processes with the use of an informatic system, (ii) establishment of new accounts destined for provisioning credits and (iii) automation of activities that were evaluated through a factor raking to stablish a logical order of application. Finally, it is expected operative benefits from the outlay time reduction, that went from 36 work hours to 1 work hour, and economical benefits, caused by the efficiencies, of 13 978 PEN with a TIR of 17.65%. Also, it’s foresaw to obtain a benefit index of 1.76 PEN per 1 PEN invested on normal conditions.
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