Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, D., (2024). Evaluación financiera de la expansión de un nuevo local de la cadena de restaurantes "Alimentos y Bebidas S.A.C." [Universidad de Lima].
Mendoza, D., Evaluación financiera de la expansión de un nuevo local de la cadena de restaurantes "Alimentos y Bebidas S.A.C." []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Evaluación financiera de la expansión de un nuevo local de la cadena de restaurantes "Alimentos y Bebidas S.A.C."",
author = "Mendoza Ramirez, Diana",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
The present professional sufficiency work on the financial evaluation of expanding a new location in the "Food and Beverages S.A.C." restaurant chain has the primary objective of assessing and determining the feasibility of opening a new sales point. The focus is on whether there is a possibility of achieving the desired profitability for the company and if the planned investment justifies the future results. The mentioned company has been in the market for over 20 years, and therefore, the data collected for the calculations to be performed is historical information provided by the commercial department. For this reason, all processes in broad terms are detailed, focusing on the steps the company should take to obtain the necessary data for projecting the income statement and the projected cash flow. Due to the magnitude of the investment, the company has defined the percentage of sales and profit that must increase in its financial statements for the execution of the project to be positive. The following chapters will detail each aspect to be considered for the achievement of the main objective. In the first chapter, details the company's background, market experience, financial and operational data, and any limitations or impediments to work towards achieving the project's objective. The second chapter details and describes the case under evaluation in greater detail, including the location and dimensions of the restaurant. It also covers the tools to be used for calculations and obtaining results. The third chapter of the theoretical framework includes current information directly or indirectly impacting the project's execution, economic aspects of the country's situation, and the sector in which the company operates. It also covers suitable financial ratios for project evaluation. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the analysis of data and results from the calculations mentioned in the previous chapters is developed. This includes determining the investment, project cost, project scenarios, and comparisons.
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