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Hernandez, M., Perea, R. (2021). Rebranding de la marca de cosmética natural Fiorella Vecco [Universidad de Lima].
Hernandez, M., Perea, R. Rebranding de la marca de cosmética natural Fiorella Vecco []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Rebranding de la marca de cosmética natural Fiorella Vecco",
author = "Perea Rios, Romy",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Rebranding de la marca de cosmética natural Fiorella Vecco
Authors(s): Hernandez Vecco, Maria Alejandra; Perea Rios, Romy
Advisor(s): Acuña Pereda, Mario Andre
Keywords: Corporate image; Trademarks; Natural cosmetics; Branding (Marketing); Imagen corporativa; Marcas comerciales; Cosméticos naturales
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El presente trabajo se enfoca en el rebranding de la marca de cosmética natural Fiorella Vecco —ante la llegada, a inicios del 2020, de la pandemia de COVID-19 a Lima—, estrategia que tiene como objetivo mejorar la imagen de marca a fin de optimizar su crecimiento y generar un mayor alcance en redes sociales. Identificamos en esta marca un gran potencial para posicionarse digitalmente, lo que llevó a la dueña a decidir darle un giro de 180 grados para ubicarla en un nivel competitivo. Ocurrida la desaceleración del negocio, nos percatamos de que la nueva realidad consistía en que los consumidores preferían realizar compras por internet y optaban por marcas que se preocuparan por el cuidado del medio ambiente y la salud de las personas. Fiorella Vecco es una marca dedicada a la fabricación de jabones de glicerina, jabones artesanales y productos de cosmética natural, con insumos de grado cosmético y alimenticio que le dan a la piel de las personas, además de limpieza y suavidad, propiedades acordes a sus necesidades.
Comenzamos trabajando la marca de adentro hacia afuera, donde el primer paso fue obtener toda la información posible, proveniente no solo de sus plataformas, sino de una fuente de primera mano: Fiorella Vecco, la dueña. Continuamos con el levantamiento de información de los puntos clave: el contexto, el macro entorno, el público objetivo y el rubro en el que coexiste la marca, para obtener referencias y entender el escenario en el que nos encontrábamos.
Finalmente, comenzamos el trabajo de rebranding mediante la decisión de la línea gráfica, con mejoras en el logo, la propuesta de nuevos colores, el cambio de tipografía, la redefinición de categorías de producto, la creación de un manual de marca y de un estilo fotográfico y audiovisual.
This work focuses on the rebranding of the natural cosmetics brand Fiorella Vecco -before the arrival, in early 2020, of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima-, a strategy that aims to improve the brand image in order to optimize its growth and generate a greater reach on social networks. We identified in this brand a great potential to position itself digitally, which led the owner to decide to give it a 180 degree turn to place it at a competitive level. After the slowdown in business, we realized that the new reality was that consumers preferred to make purchases online and opted for brands concerned about caring for the environment and people's health. Fiorella Vecco is a brand dedicated to the manufacture of glycerin soaps, artisan soaps and natural cosmetic products, with cosmetic and food grade supplies that give people's skin, in addition to cleanliness and softness, properties according to their needs. . We started by working the brand from the inside out, where the first step was to obtain as much information as possible, not only from its platforms, but also from a first-hand source: Fiorella Vecco, the owner. We continue with the collection of information on the key points: the context, the macro environment, the target audience and the area in which the brand lives, to obtain references and understand the scenario in which we find ourselves. Finally, we began the rebranding work, deciding on the graphic line, with improvements to the logo, the proposal of new colors, the change of typography, the redefinition of product categories, the creation of a brand manual and a photographic and audiovisual style.
This work focuses on the rebranding of the natural cosmetics brand Fiorella Vecco -before the arrival, in early 2020, of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima-, a strategy that aims to improve the brand image in order to optimize its growth and generate a greater reach on social networks. We identified in this brand a great potential to position itself digitally, which led the owner to decide to give it a 180 degree turn to place it at a competitive level. After the slowdown in business, we realized that the new reality was that consumers preferred to make purchases online and opted for brands concerned about caring for the environment and people's health. Fiorella Vecco is a brand dedicated to the manufacture of glycerin soaps, artisan soaps and natural cosmetic products, with cosmetic and food grade supplies that give people's skin, in addition to cleanliness and softness, properties according to their needs. . We started by working the brand from the inside out, where the first step was to obtain as much information as possible, not only from its platforms, but also from a first-hand source: Fiorella Vecco, the owner. We continue with the collection of information on the key points: the context, the macro environment, the target audience and the area in which the brand lives, to obtain references and understand the scenario in which we find ourselves. Finally, we began the rebranding work, deciding on the graphic line, with improvements to the logo, the proposal of new colors, the change of typography, the redefinition of product categories, the creation of a brand manual and a photographic and audiovisual style.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Bernal Quijano, Miguel; Villacorta Calderón, Rocio; Acuña Pereda, Mario
Register date: 21-Apr-2022
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License