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Serpa, L., (2021). Análisis de la relación entre bullying laboral y engagement laboral [Universidad de Lima].
Serpa, L., Análisis de la relación entre bullying laboral y engagement laboral []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Análisis de la relación entre bullying laboral y engagement laboral",
author = "Serpa Rodriguez, Lucia Carmita",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Análisis de la relación entre bullying laboral y engagement laboral
Other Titles: Analysis of the relationship between workplace bullying and work engagement: a systematic review
Authors(s): Serpa Rodriguez, Lucia Carmita
Advisor(s): Fernández Otoya, Mónica Guiselda
Keywords: Bullying in the workplace; Organizational commitment; Work environment; Acoso moral en el trabajo; Compromiso organizacional; Clima organizacional
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El bullying laboral es uno de los estresores más dañinos en las organizaciones y tiene
consecuencias importantes en el bienestar psicológico y el engagement de los
colaboradores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre bullying laboral
y engagement laboral a través de una revisión sistemática de artículos. Se realizó una
búsqueda sistemática siguiendo las indicaciones de la guía PRISMA (Urrútia y Bonfill,
2013). Las bases de datos consultadas fueron Scopus, Ebsco y PubMed. Se seleccionaron
para el análisis los estudios que evaluaban el bullying laboral y el engagement laboral
con instrumentos psicométricos (n=7), aplicados a profesionales económicamente
activos de diferentes partes del mundo y con una confiabilidad reportada adecuada. La
metodología utilizada en los estudios seleccionados fue en su mayor parte análisis
cuantitativo correlacional transversal o longitudinal, no experimental. entre resultados de
la Utrecht Engagement Scale y el Negative Acts Questionnaire. Se encontró una relación
negativa entre bullying y engagement laboral, que muchas veces está mediada por otras
variables que enriquecen el análisis y aportan conclusiones de alta aplicabilidad. Para
futuras revisiones, se debe considerar mayor variedad de diseños en las investigaciones
y focalizar el análisis en zonas geográficas para identificar matices más significativos de
la relación entre ambas variables.
Workplace bullying is one of the most harmful stressors in organizations and has important consequences on the psychological well-being and engagement of employees. The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between workplace bullying and work engagement through a systematic review of articles. A systematic search was carried out following the indications of the PRISMA guide (Urrútia & Bonfill, 2013). The databases consulted were Scopus, Ebsco and PubMed. Studies that evaluated workplace bullying and work engagement with psychometric instruments (n = 7), applied to economically active professionals from different parts of the world and with adequate reported reliability were selected for the analysis. The methodology used in the selected studies was, for the most part, cross-sectional or longitudinal correlational quantitative analysis, not experimental. A negative relationship was found between bullying and work engagement, which is often mediated by other variables that enrich the analysis and provide highly applicable conclusions. For future reviews, a greater variety of research designs should be considered, and the analysis focused on geographic areas to identify more significant nuances in the relationship between both variables.
Workplace bullying is one of the most harmful stressors in organizations and has important consequences on the psychological well-being and engagement of employees. The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between workplace bullying and work engagement through a systematic review of articles. A systematic search was carried out following the indications of the PRISMA guide (Urrútia & Bonfill, 2013). The databases consulted were Scopus, Ebsco and PubMed. Studies that evaluated workplace bullying and work engagement with psychometric instruments (n = 7), applied to economically active professionals from different parts of the world and with adequate reported reliability were selected for the analysis. The methodology used in the selected studies was, for the most part, cross-sectional or longitudinal correlational quantitative analysis, not experimental. A negative relationship was found between bullying and work engagement, which is often mediated by other variables that enrich the analysis and provide highly applicable conclusions. For future reviews, a greater variety of research designs should be considered, and the analysis focused on geographic areas to identify more significant nuances in the relationship between both variables.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Psicología
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Fernández Otoya, Mónica Guiselda; Valle Vera, Liliana; Flores Flores, Carlos Eduardo
Register date: 30-May-2021
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License