Bibliographic citations
Gonti, V., Vecco, G. (2020). "Estrategia de comunicación interna para el posicionamiento y desarrollo de la cultura organizacional de química europea" [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad de Lima].
Gonti, V., Vecco, G. "Estrategia de comunicación interna para el posicionamiento y desarrollo de la cultura organizacional de química europea" [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2020.
title = ""Estrategia de comunicación interna para el posicionamiento y desarrollo de la cultura organizacional de química europea"",
author = "Vecco Rivadeneira, Giuliana",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2020"
This project develops an internal communication strategy for positioning the organizational culture of Química Europea, a company dedicated to the commercialization of medical equipment whose brand promise is the improvement of the quality of life of people. Based on a profound diagnosis there were some opportunities of enhancing culture and communication wise inside of the organization. During the period of september to december of 2019 a few activities were applied in the company towards the collaborators. Within the constant participation of the executive division, the collaborators and the ones in charge of the project, we have been able to encourage the recognition of the culture and meliorate the working environment.
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