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Guevara-Salvatierra, R., (2021). Rediseño de la identidad visual de Rustica [Universidad de Lima].
Guevara-Salvatierra, R., Rediseño de la identidad visual de Rustica []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Rediseño de la identidad visual de Rustica",
author = "Guevara-Salvatierra, Rita Gabriela",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Rediseño de la identidad visual de Rustica
Authors(s): Guevara-Salvatierra, Rita Gabriela
Keywords: Branding (Marketing); Corporate image; Logos; Restaurants; Trademarks; Imagen corporativa; Logotipos; Restaurantes; Marcas comerciales
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El presente trabajo desarrolla una investigación acerca de Rustica, enfocado
exclusivamente en la gestión visual de la marca, proponiendo un rebranding a
consecuencia de las diversas y constantes modificaciones que ha venido sufriendo la
marca. El principal propósito es unificar y alinear la identidad visual de Rustica en todos
sus canales de comunicación, llevando a cabo un rediseño de logo, manual de marca,
línea gráfica y diversos tipos de contenidos generados tanto para canales online y offline.
Centrándose en un concepto de marca basado en la experiencia del consumidor:
compartir, celebrar y disfrutar.
This work develops an investigation about Rustica, focused exclusively on the visual management of the brand, proposing a rebranding as a result of manys and constants modifications that has been suffering the brand. The main purpose is to unify and align the visual identity of Rustica in all its communication channels, carrying out a redesign of the logo, brand manual, graphic line and many types of content generated for both online and offline channels. Focusing on a brand concept based on the consumer experience: sharing, celebrating and enjoying.
This work develops an investigation about Rustica, focused exclusively on the visual management of the brand, proposing a rebranding as a result of manys and constants modifications that has been suffering the brand. The main purpose is to unify and align the visual identity of Rustica in all its communication channels, carrying out a redesign of the logo, brand manual, graphic line and many types of content generated for both online and offline channels. Focusing on a brand concept based on the consumer experience: sharing, celebrating and enjoying.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Guzmán Martínez, José; Torres Duncker, Claudia; Acuña Pereda, Mario
Register date: 14-Dec-2021
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License