Bibliographic citations
Locatelli, D., Girano, D. (2021). Mejora de la seguridad y salud en una empresa de Security durante la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 según la Ley N° 29783 [Universidad de Lima].
Locatelli, D., Girano, D. Mejora de la seguridad y salud en una empresa de Security durante la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 según la Ley N° 29783 []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Mejora de la seguridad y salud en una empresa de Security durante la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 según la Ley N° 29783",
author = "Girano Sosa, Diego Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
The study proposes solution for the current problem of the security company SSI S.A.C., related to the vulnerability of its workers to work accidents and occupational diseases, the high accident rates, the derived cost overruns and limited access to new clients due to the lack of an occupational health and safety management system (SGSST), considering the conjunctural framework of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed improvement is based on the adequacy of the SGSST, in accordance with the scope of Law No. 29783 and its amendments. The SGSST design is established with a methodology that follows the continuous improvement cycle and its execution is set out in an Occupational Health and Safety Plan with an implementation schedule of one (1) year. The total investment of the project is S/ 516 574,16, obtaining an annual profit of S/ 747 841, generating a cost benefit ratio of 1,45, increasing the productivity of the company on the same scale and also generating a positive social impact obtained by maintaining safe and accident-free environments for workers, customers, visitors and suppliers. The diagnosis of compliance with Law 29783 provided a result of 19% implementation. Seventeen (17) of the twenty-eight (28) specific guidelines (60%) obtained a result of 0; that is, compliance was null. Likewise, in 54% of the remaining guidelines, compliance was less than 50%. As a result of the hazard identification and risk assessment, five (5) IPERC were made, four (4) related to the similar exposure groups identified according to the company's Jobs positions and one (1) additional that apply for workers who drive vehicles. As important residual risks, the surveillance work carried out by the security agents is maintained because they are exposed to weapons carrying, as well as the risk of emergencies related to confrontations with criminals. The prevention actions against COVID-19 were established within the annual health and safety Plan, as well as the management documents required according to the R.M. N.° 972-2020-MINSA and R.M. N.° 541-2020-IN. The implementation of COVID-19 control actions requires a specific investment of S/ 88 320 per year, which could vary in the short or medium term depending on the increase or reduction in demand for these products. The proposed annual Plan and program seek to promote a culture of prevention of occupational risks in all actors related to the company, as well as to protect its workers and the community from the spread of COVID-19. The project concludes that the implementation of the SGSST in SSI is feasible and justified from a technical, social, economic and legal point of view, generating improvements for SSI, its officials, workers, clients, visitors and suppliers, and shows recommendations that seek the success of the proposed improvement.
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