Bibliographic citations
Ramos, G., Pareja, J., Pareja, J. (2024). Incumplimiento de plazo y presupuesto en las obras de infraestructura educativa ejecutadas bajo la modalidad de ejecución directa.
Caso de estudio: Obras del Gobierno Regional del Cusco – Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ramos, G., Pareja, J., Pareja, J. Incumplimiento de plazo y presupuesto en las obras de infraestructura educativa ejecutadas bajo la modalidad de ejecución directa.
Caso de estudio: Obras del Gobierno Regional del Cusco – Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Incumplimiento de plazo y presupuesto en las obras de infraestructura educativa ejecutadas bajo la modalidad de ejecución directa.
Caso de estudio: Obras del Gobierno Regional del Cusco – Perú",
author = "Pareja Mejia, Jason Giovanni",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This investigation arises as a result of the non-compliance with the deadline and budget of the works carried out by the Regional Government of Cusco in educational infrastructure by direct Administration. The investigation carries out an analysis of the information obtained in the work control and monitoring records of the state platforms, determining that there is a gap in the budget and deadline due to various factors that cause uncertainty and variability in the projects. Furthermore, it has been identified that there is no planning system for the execution of project tasks. A productivity deficit has been identified in the analyzed works, which is reflected in the valued programming and the valuation executed. This is because we continue to work with the traditional Push system, pushing the execution of tasks through work pressure on workers to achieve the proposed milestones and goals, generating waste in the process, this results in late deliveries and rework during the construction process. , directly affecting the budget and delivery time of the project. It is for this problem that this research proposes an application guide for the Last Planner System as a value proposition, which is integrated into projects executed by direct administration to reduce and minimize the reliability uncertainty of project completion, in addition to providing the application of LPS to carry out the planning and programming of tasks and activities efficiently, minimizing waste on site, increasing production and optimizing resources and processes in construction.
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