Bibliographic citations
Peralta, J., (2025). Traducción comentada de la novela juvenil My Madder Fatter Diary (2014) desde un enfoque funcionalista [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Peralta, J., Traducción comentada de la novela juvenil My Madder Fatter Diary (2014) desde un enfoque funcionalista [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2025.
title = "Traducción comentada de la novela juvenil My Madder Fatter Diary (2014) desde un enfoque funcionalista",
author = "Peralta Lozano, Janise Francesca",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2025"
Young adult literature (YA) has traditionally been studied as part of children's literature. However, both genres display important differences related to their target readers, stylistic features and topics. YA literature, known for being a relatively new genre, focuses on those works aimed at a young audience, portraying adolescence as a stage of insecurities and challenges towards adulthood. A distinctive feature of YA is the use of youth slang, which gives credibility to the characters and dialogues, integrates linguistic phenomena of informal speech and reflects an important social factor. In this context, this research proposes to carry out an annotated translation of the YA novel My Madder Fatter Diary, with special emphasis on the analysis of the translation of youth slang, following the three stages of the translation process proposed by Nord (2012): the pre-translation stage, where the intertextual and extratextual characteristics will be identified; the translation stage, where problems, difficulties, strategies and translation techniques will be addressed. Finally, in the post-translation stage a contrastive analysis between the base text and the target text will be conducted to assess functionality in the target culture. This research is based on four main theoretical categories: annotated translation, literary translation, young adult literature translation, and functionalism. Furthermore, this research assumes that in order to carry out the annotated translation of the young adult novel My Madder Fatter Diary, it is necessary to follow a series of stages and procedures that allow the translation purpose to be fulfilled.
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