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Cruz, M., (2023). Informe de Sustentación de Expediente STC N° 01594-2020-PA/TC [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cruz, M., Informe de Sustentación de Expediente STC N° 01594-2020-PA/TC [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Informe de Sustentación de Expediente STC N° 01594-2020-PA/TC",
author = "Cruz Ramirez, Milagros Del Socorro",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Informe de Sustentación de Expediente STC N° 01594-2020-PA/TC
Authors(s): Cruz Ramirez, Milagros Del Socorro
Advisor(s): Rezkalah Accinelli, Eduardo José
Keywords: Proceso de amparo; Derecho a la educación; Derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad; Discriminación y embarazo; Protection process; Right to education; Right to free development of personality; Discrimination and pregnancy
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En el presente informe se expondrá el proceso constitucional tramitado bajo el Expediente Nº 01594-2020- PA/TC, mediante el cual se resuelve el proceso de amparo iniciado por parte de la señorita con iniciales D.P.F.E. contra los representantes de la Marina de Guerra de Perú. En este proceso se solicitó la nulidad de la Resolución Directoral No. 085-214-MGP, mediante a la cual se ordena la baja y el retiro del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Laval – CITEN de una alumna por encontrarse en estado de gestación lo que generó la vulneración a sus derechos fundamentales: derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, a la educación y a la no discriminación por razones de sexo.
En el marco de los hechos descritos anteriormente, se analizará la decisión emitida por los Magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional, así como los votos singulares y los argumentos esgrimidos en los que basaron su decisión.
This report will explain the constitutional process under File Nº 01594-2020- PA/TC, which resolves the amparo lawsuit filed by the young lady with initials D.P.F.E. is resolved. against the Director General of Personnel of the Peruvian Navy and the Commander General of the Navy. In this process, D.P.F.E. requests the nullity of Administrative Resolution No. 085-214-MGP/DGP, which ordered her dismissal and withdrawal from Instituto Superior Tecnológico Laval – CITEN for the reason of “psychophysical incapacity of psychosomatic origin” which generated a violation of her right to education, the free development of personality, pregnancy and discrimination based on sex. Within the framework of the facts described above, the decision issued by the Magistrates of the Constitutional Court will be analyzed, as well as the individual votes and the arguments put forward on which they based their decision.
This report will explain the constitutional process under File Nº 01594-2020- PA/TC, which resolves the amparo lawsuit filed by the young lady with initials D.P.F.E. is resolved. against the Director General of Personnel of the Peruvian Navy and the Commander General of the Navy. In this process, D.P.F.E. requests the nullity of Administrative Resolution No. 085-214-MGP/DGP, which ordered her dismissal and withdrawal from Instituto Superior Tecnológico Laval – CITEN for the reason of “psychophysical incapacity of psychosomatic origin” which generated a violation of her right to education, the free development of personality, pregnancy and discrimination based on sex. Within the framework of the facts described above, the decision issued by the Magistrates of the Constitutional Court will be analyzed, as well as the individual votes and the arguments put forward on which they based their decision.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Nuñez Ponce, Julio Cesar; Quiroz Villalobos, Milton Ebert
Register date: 16-Jan-2025
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