Bibliographic citations
Condori, M., Orihuela, E. (2024). Mejora de la Productividad Utilizando Herramientas de Lean Manufacturing y Systematic Layout Planning en una Mype Peruana del Sector Metalmecánico [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Condori, M., Orihuela, E. Mejora de la Productividad Utilizando Herramientas de Lean Manufacturing y Systematic Layout Planning en una Mype Peruana del Sector Metalmecánico [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Mejora de la Productividad Utilizando Herramientas de Lean Manufacturing y Systematic Layout Planning en una Mype Peruana del Sector Metalmecánico",
author = "Orihuela Liberato, Enrique Daniel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The metalworking industry belongs to the manufacturing sector, which makes a significant contribution to the Peruvian economy and the country's development by supporting essential sectors such as mining and construction. This sector is predominantly made up of micro and small enterprises (MSEs). These businesses face issues such as low productivity and competitiveness, inadequate use of technology, information problems, among others. The MSE under study had productivity issues that significantly impacted its profitability due to increased production costs. These problems originated from long setup times, high idle times, inefficient plant layout, and disorder in the workshop. Therefore, the integration of Lean Manufacturing and Systematic Layout Planning methodologies was proposed. The process began with an initial diagnosis using Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to identify bottlenecks, followed by the use of Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) to reduce machine setup time, which was further optimized by incorporating a preventive Poka Yoke. Additionally, Kaizen was applied to improve the turning process and reduce non-value-added times. The current plant layout was analyzed, and an improved layout was proposed using the SLP methodology, which was later implemented in the plant. Furthermore, 5S was used to improve the organization of the drilling work area. Following implementation, the cycle time was reduced by 14.40%, and machine downtime during setup was significantly reduced by 52.5%.
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