Bibliographic citations
Chavez, N., Toledo, L. (2024). Análisis del delito de lavado de activos en el enriquecimiento ilícito del extraneus (casación N° 1789-2023-Arequipa) [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chavez, N., Toledo, L. Análisis del delito de lavado de activos en el enriquecimiento ilícito del extraneus (casación N° 1789-2023-Arequipa) [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Análisis del delito de lavado de activos en el enriquecimiento ilícito del extraneus (casación N° 1789-2023-Arequipa)",
author = "Toledo Poma, Leslie Jazmin",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present work of professional sufficiency has as its indispensable objective to analyze the objective and subjective type of the crime of illicit enrichment allegedly committed by a public official during the execution of his functions, in cassation 1789-2023-Arequipa. In the first chapter, will develop the judicial process, in which we describe the relevant arguments of the procedural stages in the first and second instance, and the relevant grounds of the cassation. In the second chapter, will explain the conceptual bases of the research, in which we address the conceptual framework and the regulation in the legal system of the criminal act of illicit enrichment, the regulation of the criminal type of money laundering in the legal system, and the extinction of criminal action and civil liability in the event of death. In addition, in this chapter, we analyze Plenary Agreement N° 3-2016/CJ 2016 which addresses the implications of a subject who performs public duties and an ordinary citizen. In the third chapter, will find the development of the investigation, in which we identify the legal problem, carry out a critical analysis regarding the judicial process instituted and recognize the principles violated during the criminal process. Finally, our investigation concludes by demonstrating the correct interpretation of the criminal conduct of money laundering in the illicit enrichment carried out by a public official during execution of his or her duties
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