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Gonzáles, C., Yacolca, M. (2024). Acuerdo Plenario N°03-2023/CIJ-112 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gonzáles, C., Yacolca, M. Acuerdo Plenario N°03-2023/CIJ-112 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Acuerdo Plenario N°03-2023/CIJ-112",
author = "Yacolca Inga, Manuel Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Title: Acuerdo Plenario N°03-2023/CIJ-112
Advisor(s): Jiménez Bernales, Juan Carlos
Keywords: Acuerdo plenario; medios de prueba; eficiencia; celeridad; juez
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2024
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El Acuerdo Plenario N°03-2023/CIJ-112, aborda el control de admisión de medios de prueba durante la etapa intermedia del proceso penal. Este acuerdo tiene como objetivo uniformizar criterios para evitar que la admisión de pruebas genere dilaciones innecesarias en los juicios y garantizar que solo se acepten aquellas pruebas pertinentes (estas deben estar relacionadas de manera directa con los hechos que se debaten en el proceso), útiles (las pruebas deben tener la capacidad de aportar información valiosa para la resolución del caso) y conducentes (las pruebas no deben estar prohibidas por ley, ni vulnerar derechos fundamentales) para el desarrollo del caso, para así asegurar la eficiencia y la celeridad del sistema judicial, particularmente en casos complejos, como aquellos que involucran organizaciones criminales.
El Acuerdo también enfatiza que el juez tiene la facultad de rechazar pruebas que sean impertinentes, inútiles o sobreabundantes, así como aquellas cuya obtención sea ilícita o cuya validez no pueda ser comprobada. Otro aspecto importante es la posibilidad de que las partes presenten objeciones a las pruebas ofrecidas por la contraparte, lo cual debe ser resuelto de manera ágil por el juez. Asimismo, se establece que el juez puede organizar la audiencia según el tipo de pruebas y los temas debatidos, con el fin de asegurar un proceso más dinámico y eficiente
Plenary Agreement N°03-2023/CIJ-112 addresses the control of the admission of evidence during the intermediate stage of the criminal process. This agreement aims to standardize criteria to prevent the admission of evidence from causing unnecessary delays in trials and to ensure that only relevant evidence (it must be directly related to the facts being debated in the process), useful (the evidence must have the capacity to provide valuable information for the resolution of the case) and conducive (the evidence must not be prohibited by law, nor violate fundamental rights) for the development of the case is accepted, thus ensuring the efficiency and speed of the judicial system, particularly in complex cases, such as those involving criminal organizations. The Agreement also emphasizes that the judge has the power to reject evidence that is irrelevant, useless or excessive, as well as evidence whose obtaining is illegal or whose validity cannot be proven. Another important aspect is the possibility for the parties to present objections to the evidence offered by the other party, which must be resolved quickly by the judge. It is also established that the judge can organize the hearing according to the type of evidence and the issues discussed, to ensure a more dynamic and efficient process.
Plenary Agreement N°03-2023/CIJ-112 addresses the control of the admission of evidence during the intermediate stage of the criminal process. This agreement aims to standardize criteria to prevent the admission of evidence from causing unnecessary delays in trials and to ensure that only relevant evidence (it must be directly related to the facts being debated in the process), useful (the evidence must have the capacity to provide valuable information for the resolution of the case) and conducive (the evidence must not be prohibited by law, nor violate fundamental rights) for the development of the case is accepted, thus ensuring the efficiency and speed of the judicial system, particularly in complex cases, such as those involving criminal organizations. The Agreement also emphasizes that the judge has the power to reject evidence that is irrelevant, useless or excessive, as well as evidence whose obtaining is illegal or whose validity cannot be proven. Another important aspect is the possibility for the parties to present objections to the evidence offered by the other party, which must be resolved quickly by the judge. It is also established that the judge can organize the hearing according to the type of evidence and the issues discussed, to ensure a more dynamic and efficient process.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Jiménez Bernales, Juan Carlos; Flórez Zevallos, Rosa María
Register date: 19-Dec-2024
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