Bibliographic citations
Hermoza, K., Figueroa, K. (2024). Implementación de un software integrador para mejorar la eficiencia en el armado del programa comercial de exportación de arándanos en una empresa agroexportadora del Perú en el año 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Hermoza, K., Figueroa, K. Implementación de un software integrador para mejorar la eficiencia en el armado del programa comercial de exportación de arándanos en una empresa agroexportadora del Perú en el año 2024 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Implementación de un software integrador para mejorar la eficiencia en el armado del programa comercial de exportación de arándanos en una empresa agroexportadora del Perú en el año 2024",
author = "Figueroa Llano, Kevin Christian",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This paper deals with the implementation of a technological tool to optimize the process of setting up the commercial export program in a Peruvian blueberry agro-exporting company. Due to the exponential growth of the company in recent years, operational efficiency has faced significant challenges, especially in the consolidation of information from key areas such as field, quality, food safety and packing. Currently, the use of manual spreadsheets generates errors, work overload and cost overruns, affecting accuracy and customer satisfaction in export projections. The study compares technological alternatives, including ERP software modules and an integrator tool developed internally by the company's IT team. The evaluation focuses on factors such as cost, implementation and operational impact. Through interviews and the analysis of theoretical models such as Porter's value chain and Schumpeter's innovation theory, the option of an internal integrator software is selected. This solution allows the unification of data in real time and the improvement of decision making, increasing competitiveness and reducing dependence on manual processes. With this implementation, the company expects to optimize its projections, reduce errors, rework and cost overruns associated with container cancellations and rescheduling, and meet its business objectives while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.
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