Bibliographic citations
Quiroz, P., Cordova, C. (2024). “Análisis de la narrativa, el lenguaje audiovisual y las tecnologías que se emplearon en el video podcast “Backstage Pride” como parte de la campaña “Always Pride 2024” de la discoteca Valetodo Downtown en el contexto de la celebración del día del orgullo LGBTQI+ en Lima” [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Quiroz, P., Cordova, C. “Análisis de la narrativa, el lenguaje audiovisual y las tecnologías que se emplearon en el video podcast “Backstage Pride” como parte de la campaña “Always Pride 2024” de la discoteca Valetodo Downtown en el contexto de la celebración del día del orgullo LGBTQI+ en Lima” [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "“Análisis de la narrativa, el lenguaje audiovisual y las tecnologías que se emplearon en el video podcast “Backstage Pride” como parte de la campaña “Always Pride 2024” de la discoteca Valetodo Downtown en el contexto de la celebración del día del orgullo LGBTQI+ en Lima”",
author = "Cordova Mencia, Crhistian Andre",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The LGBTIQ+ community celebrates their Pride Day every year. This celebration seeks to generate spaces of visibility, promote equality and conquer spaces that have previously been denied or difficult to reach for its members. Given this situation, the company Valetodo Downtown joined the RPP Group and the Trivu Televisión channel to create the Backstage Pride video podcast. A project that seeks to give visibility to the LGBTIQ+ community through a dynamic and fun interview conducted by the radio host Marie Cherry Pop and the well-known drag queen Egocéntrika with four members who represent part of the diversity of the community. This research seeks to analyze in detail the audiovisual narrative, the technologies used and the audiovisual language that managed to carry out the project. To carry out this work, each of the elements that constitute the audiovisual narrative, such as the structure and the acts that compose it, will be reviewed in detail. Likewise, all the areas that make up audiovisual language will be analyzed, such as art, photography, editing, direction and sound. Finally, the challenges faced by the production of the project will be analyzed along with the techniques and technologies that were used to face them.
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