Bibliographic citations
Rodriguez, R., Pereyra, B. (2024). Análisis del noticiero digital “Tingo María Noticias” como fuente multidiversa de información para los ciudadanos de la provincia de Leoncio Prado [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Rodriguez, R., Pereyra, B. Análisis del noticiero digital “Tingo María Noticias” como fuente multidiversa de información para los ciudadanos de la provincia de Leoncio Prado [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Análisis del noticiero digital “Tingo María Noticias” como fuente multidiversa de información para los ciudadanos de la provincia de Leoncio Prado",
author = "Pereyra Soto, Benji Lester",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This paper presents the pillars that build the production and dissemination of the digital newscast Tingo María noticias, which is a means of dissemination that transmits all the relevant events that occur within the city of Tingo María with multiple categories of content. The newscast, which is the object of study of the project, will be analyzed in depth along with its elements and techniques of audiovisual narrative, adding the design, photography and editing of the notes presented to expose the internal structures of each note. On the other hand, the technologies used within the project that make it possible for the digital newscast to work will be the object of study as well as the other digital newscasts that delve into similar or identical themes to ours, since it will be necessary to compare it with other projects to understand its operation and to be able to evaluate how the other newscasts create the narrative in order to identify points of improvement for the digital newscast Tingo María.
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