Bibliographic citations
Cordero, N., Cheng, C. (2024). Análisis Audiovisual de la Campaña “30 Años Manteniendo Vivo el Amor” de la Marca Rosatel en su Red Social Instagram Durante el Mes de Agosto de 2024 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cordero, N., Cheng, C. Análisis Audiovisual de la Campaña “30 Años Manteniendo Vivo el Amor” de la Marca Rosatel en su Red Social Instagram Durante el Mes de Agosto de 2024 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Análisis Audiovisual de la Campaña “30 Años Manteniendo Vivo el Amor” de la Marca Rosatel en su Red Social Instagram Durante el Mes de Agosto de 2024",
author = "Cheng Fong Moron, Claudia Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
In recent years, audiovisual products and social media have been closely linked to the advertising industry. In fact, reels are a very valuable tool in transmitting emotions to the consumer. The use of elements belonging to the audiovisual branch such as images, music, narrative, among other elements, helps to capture the audience's attention for advertising purposes. Likewise, the deliberate use of these elements in advertising reels helps brands to generate different emotions in the target audience they want to reach. From this, they seek to provoke a connection with the audience. For this reason, in the present research work, we will proceed to analyze five advertising reels of the Rosatel brand, which were published on its Instagram social network during the month of August 2024, which are: the first, entitled "Experiences"; the second, entitled "History"; the third, entitled "Video Bomba"; the fourth, entitled "Animation" and the fifth, entitled "New Rosatel World". These advertising reels were part of the “30 years keeping love alive” campaign, which refers not only to the fact of celebrating their anniversary, but also to reinforce the idea that they have been present in many love stories for their clients. The central objective of the research is to analyze the audiovisual structure of the five pieces in question, as well as to evaluate their components and structures at the levels of narrative, audiovisual language and the techniques and technologies used to create these products.
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