Bibliographic citations
Avila, A., (2024). Causas y consecuencias de exigir la suscripción del Contrato de Explotación como requisito para la culminación de la formalización minera - 2023: Caso Apurímac [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Avila, A., Causas y consecuencias de exigir la suscripción del Contrato de Explotación como requisito para la culminación de la formalización minera - 2023: Caso Apurímac [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Causas y consecuencias de exigir la suscripción del Contrato de Explotación como requisito para la culminación de la formalización minera - 2023: Caso Apurímac",
author = "Avila Apuy, Alondra",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present research work aims to identify the causes and consequences of requiring the subscription of the Exploitation Contract between the informal miner and the concession holder as a requirement to complete mining formalization, with a specific focus on the Apurimac region. To do so, we will first expose the failure of the Mining Formalization Process (PFMI) by analyzing data obtained from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) and demonstrate that the main bottleneck for formalization is the requirement to sign the Exploitation Contract with the concession holder. Subsequently, we will proceed to analyze the figure of the Exploitation Contract in the PFMI framework, focusing on its purpose, characteristics, differences and similarities with similar contractual figures, among others. This analysis will include an evaluation of the advantages of its conclusion, as well as the reasons why the parties opt for coexistence alternatives instead of its subscription. We will identify that the main causes of their requirement are: the phenomenon of the overlapping of mining scales, the lack of will of both parties and the existence of other coexistence alternatives. As for the consequences, we determine that this requirement would be violating the rights acquired by the concession holders and obstructing the formalization of informal miners. Finally, recommendations will be proposed to improve the PFMI in order to promote greater inclusion and formalization of informal miners, while guaranteeing respect for the rights of concession holders.
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