Bibliographic citations
Huamanchumo, S., Soto, V. (2024). Implicancias de la cadena de suministro sostenible en el desarrollo competitivo del café peruano al mercado de la Unión Europea durante los años 2018-2023 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Huamanchumo, S., Soto, V. Implicancias de la cadena de suministro sostenible en el desarrollo competitivo del café peruano al mercado de la Unión Europea durante los años 2018-2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Implicancias de la cadena de suministro sostenible en el desarrollo competitivo del café peruano al mercado de la Unión Europea durante los años 2018-2023",
author = "Soto Torres, Valeria Saday",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
In Peru, the development of a sustainable supply chain within the coffee sector is a practice that has been gaining more relevance in recent years since it allows producers to offer better quality products while protecting the environmental, social and economic environment of the countries; however, economic constraints and the large gap between producers impede the development of the sector. The objective of the present research is to know the implications of the sustainable supply chain in the competitive development of Peruvian coffee to the European Union market during the years 2018-2023, in order to identify opportunities for improvement and information that contribute in the sustainable development of the supply chain of the Peruvian coffee sector. For the analysis a qualitative research was conducted, descriptive scope of horizon of the Grounded Theory, Phenomenological designs of basic type and the use of the inductive process. The data collection instrument used was a semi-structured interview with 16 actors, including coffee producers, sector specialists, governance coordinator of the National Coffee Board, cooperatives and MIDAGRI. For the development of the analysis, the software Atlas. Ti software was used to develop the analysis, concluding that there are few real opportunities to develop sustainable practices in the coffee supply chain, which is detrimental to the competitive development of the product at the international level.
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