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Salinas, R., (2024). Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Intergeneracional en Cusco [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Salinas, R., Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Intergeneracional en Cusco [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Intergeneracional en Cusco",
author = "Salinas Yañez, Rafaella",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Title: Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Intergeneracional en Cusco
Other Titles: Intergenerational Community Center in Cusco
Authors(s): Salinas Yañez, Rafaella
Advisor(s): Olórtegui del Castillo de Rummenhoeller, Tanith
Keywords: Centro comunitario; Cusco; espacios intermedios; Intergeneracional; Community center; In-between; Intergenerational
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2024
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Intergeneracional en Cusco, comprendido en el marco de Educación, Cultura e Promoción Social, forma parte de una red de servicios públicos para el desarrollo socio-formativo y recreacional de la población vulnerable de la ciudad del Cusco. Ubicado en el distrito del Cusco, próximo al Centro Histórico de la Ciudad, funciona como un espacio integrador de diferentes generaciones promoviendo el intercambio de tradiciones enfocados en el intercambio entre adultos mayores y niños y jóvenes como usuarios principales. Sin embargo, no es excluyente de otras generaciones. El intercambio intergeneracional se dará desde la forma hasta la función a través de una arquitectura que, mediante el uso de espacios intermedios cómo énfasis arquitectónico, permita que se generen espacios de intercambio espontáneo y espacios de conexión. Utilizando principios como la conexión, la identificación y la dualidad, se podrá crear una serie de espacios que permitan la coexistencia de diversas generaciones y su desarrollo integral. El fin de este documento de investigación es explorar una necesidad latente en nuestro país y mediante una solución innovadora y no convencional, permitir del desarrollo de poblaciones vulnerables mediante una arquitectura pensada para ellos.
The Intergenerational Community Center in Cusco, designed within the framework of education, culture, and social development, is part of a network of public services for the social, educational, and recreational development of a vulnerable portion of the population of the city of Cusco. Located in the Cusco district, near the Historical City Center, works as a space that integrates different generations promoting the exchange of traditions specifically focused on the older and younger generations as primary users of the building. However, it also welcomes any other generations. The intergenerational exchange will be part of not only the form but also the function through an architecture that, thanks to the use of the in-between as a design principle, will allow the creation spaces for spontaneous exchange and connection. Using architectural concepts such as connection, identification, and duality, it will be easy to create spaces that allow the coexistence between different generations and their full development. The purpose of this document is to explore an underlying need in our country and through an innovative and unconventional solution, allow the development of vulnerable groups of our society with the help of an architecture designed for them.
The Intergenerational Community Center in Cusco, designed within the framework of education, culture, and social development, is part of a network of public services for the social, educational, and recreational development of a vulnerable portion of the population of the city of Cusco. Located in the Cusco district, near the Historical City Center, works as a space that integrates different generations promoting the exchange of traditions specifically focused on the older and younger generations as primary users of the building. However, it also welcomes any other generations. The intergenerational exchange will be part of not only the form but also the function through an architecture that, thanks to the use of the in-between as a design principle, will allow the creation spaces for spontaneous exchange and connection. Using architectural concepts such as connection, identification, and duality, it will be easy to create spaces that allow the coexistence between different generations and their full development. The purpose of this document is to explore an underlying need in our country and through an innovative and unconventional solution, allow the development of vulnerable groups of our society with the help of an architecture designed for them.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Juror: Cruchaga Belaunde, Miguel; Contreras Velez, Julián; Vargas Martinez, Federico
Register date: 21-Oct-2024
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