Bibliographic citations
Farfan, L., (2024). Nuevas masculinidades, nuevas percepciones: "The Best a Man Can Be" visto desde jóvenes universitarios limeños [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Farfan, L., Nuevas masculinidades, nuevas percepciones: "The Best a Man Can Be" visto desde jóvenes universitarios limeños [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Nuevas masculinidades, nuevas percepciones: "The Best a Man Can Be" visto desde jóvenes universitarios limeños",
author = "Farfan Ayala, Leisy Nahara",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how representations of new masculinities in advertising are perceived from the questioning of stereotyped gender roles. To that end, the perception of a young audience around the "The Best a Man Can Be" (2019) spot from the brand Gillette is analyzed, under the perspective of storytelling and gender discourse. The study is framed in a qualitative-focused methodology, where 18 interviews were done to a young audience coming from private universities and of masculine gender of a 18-25 age range, residing in Lima. Identifying the characteristics of the male gender stereotypes present in globalized advertising narratives (which is the case of a transnational brands like Gillette), the results displayed here show a subjective and localized (of Lima, peruvian) self-definition of men’s role by the participants, rendering visible a recent generational construction of a “new masculinity”, influenced by advertising.
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