Bibliographic citations
Cabrera, J., (2024). Desarrollo de propuesta gráfica ambiental y diseño de material didáctico para La ruta de La
Poza de La Arenilla [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cabrera, J., Desarrollo de propuesta gráfica ambiental y diseño de material didáctico para La ruta de La
Poza de La Arenilla [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Desarrollo de propuesta gráfica ambiental y diseño de material didáctico para La ruta de La
Poza de La Arenilla",
author = "Cabrera Simborth, Joselyn Muriel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
In the following project, an environmental graphic design strategy is developed for the wetland circuit of La Poza de La Arenilla, La Punta, Callao. This circuit aims to educate users about avifauna diversity and promote environmental awareness. However, visitors fail to notice the existing informative pieces, considering them unappealing. At the same time, there's a lack of content on the importance of conserving this ecosystem, a perception shared by users during guided tours. The general objective of this project is to develop an environmental graphic design strategy that allows access to information for visitors to La Poza de La Arenilla. To achieve this, it is necessary to extend this education through graphic material intended for visitors who navigate the circuit independently, as sustainable design promotes sustainable practices and inspires more ecologically friendly behaviors. For this reason, didactic material was implemented containing information about birds, aiding in locating, situating, and delineating the circuit, while informing about its importance as an ecosystem and how to care for it. Welcome and farewell totems, the history of the wetland, an infographic of the various bird species that can be found, small posters with reflective messages, and signage regarding regulations and sustainable practices are proposed. These designs underwent validation by a user group, and the main results of the tests indicate that they identify the most visually appealing artworks without losing their seriousness. Simultaneously, their presentation fosters interest in learning more about the wetland and its virtues.
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