Bibliographic citations
Dextre, C., Estremadoyro, I. (2024). Disfuncionalidad en la debida motivación procesal y sus consecuencias en la Tutela Jurisdiccional Efectiva, Lima [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Dextre, C., Estremadoyro, I. Disfuncionalidad en la debida motivación procesal y sus consecuencias en la Tutela Jurisdiccional Efectiva, Lima [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Disfuncionalidad en la debida motivación procesal y sus consecuencias en la Tutela Jurisdiccional Efectiva, Lima",
author = "Estremadoyro Jacobsen, Italo Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This work exposes Cassation No. 15874-2022, Lima; which accounts for Civil Procedural Law as a legal matter, a matter responsible for regulating the due application of the corresponding rules in legal processes or procedures, in matters of substance, as well as form; as well as compliance with procedural guidelines. Likewise, the issue to be investigated revolves around the dysfunction, or inefficient work of the judicial bodies and which, at the same time, makes it difficult to comply with the right to due motivation; triggering a series of consequences in the process, and interfering with the full exercise of effective procedural protection. On the other hand, the sources and/or background consulted during the development of the work were the Political Constitution of Peru, the Constitutional Procedural Code, the General Administrative Procedure Law, jurisprudence and Peruvian doctrine that allows for a greater understanding of the case and legal figures. , which are the subject of study. Finally, this report reached the conclusion that it is established that the obligation, which is imposed by legal provisions, before the competent jurisdictional bodies, corresponds, or at least is presumed, to the specific request for protection of the principles and rights of those administered, through a process carried out in the most appropriate manner.
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